Unfinished Oneshots (#3): The Haunted House of Yellow St. (part two)

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[Never finished this one and probably never will

"Oneshot" Name: The Haunted House of Yellow St. (part two)]

The house walls creaked and groaned in the wind, a cool draft wafting throughout the living room and stirring dust and bugs restlessly. A terrible static sound suddenly ripped through the room, startling everyone that surrounded the device dubbed the Spirit Box. Duni got up on his knees and raised his fists to the air. "Murderer of the Jacklyn residence, are you here with us tonight?" came the pug's strong voice. Don gave a tired sigh, and Duni shushed him as a pitch shift in the white noise emanated from the switching of channels. "I have a device here that will allow you to communicate with us. Please answer the question, ghosts. Are you here with us tonight?" There was a blurb of noise from the box that made Duni gasp. "Did you hear that? It sounded like a yes!"

     "Nah, it sounded more like, 'This is bullsh*t, Duni. Why are we doing this?'" Don remarked snidely, making Dashlie and Richard snicker, a small, amused smirk even appearing on DDawn's face. Duni scowled and shushed them.

     "We're here to have fun!" said Duni. "Mister Jay, murderer of the Jacklyn residence, why did you kill all those people?" Nothing but white noise was the answer to Duni's question. The pug crossed his arms and hummed. "Okay, then... Well, friends, how about we go around and ask the ghosts questions? I'll start. Mister Jay, do you want us to be here?" What sounded like a delayed 'No' came from the box, and Duni got excited.

     "Mister Jay, are you gay?" rhymed Dashlie, making the others snicker and Duni glare.

     "Dashlie, take this seriously—" he started, but Don cut him off.

     "What's it like being dead?" asked Don, earning a grin from Duni that was quickly fleeting as Don kept talking. "Seems pretty cool being a ghost. You can spook anyone you want and meet loads of hot ghost babes. You can find a girlfriend and call her your 'Boo'."

    "Donathan..." grumbled Duni, putting his head in his paws as everyone gave soft chuckles. Richard leaned back and looked at the ceiling.

     "Mister Jay, are hoes really mad?" said Richard, earning laughs from Don and Dashlie as Duni groaned and turned off the Spirit Box. The pug put the Box away and zipped up his bag, huffing.

     "If you guys aren't going to take this seriously, then we might as well move on," Duni said, standing up.

     "Wait a minute, DDawn didn't get to ask his question," noted Dashlie as she rose to her feet and cracked her knuckles. DDawn waved her off dismissively as he stood up with the others.

     "I don't mind. I frankly don't believe asking a question to an empty room will accomplish anything," said the robot, fixing the buttons on his suit jacket. "Now, Duni, where will we be heading next?"

     Duni slung his bag over his shoulders and glanced over everyone. "Well, I was thinking we head to the bedrooms first," he said. "And then maybe we could explore the dinning room and kitch—" The pug cut himself off as everyone looked up to hear footsteps above them. Duni's eyes widened when he looked back to the others. "Did you hear that?"

     "Is anyone else here?" Dashlie asked nervously, shoving her hands into her hoodie pockets. Don chuckled.

     "There's low-key a homeless person chilling up there," he said, and Dashlie and Richard laughed at that, loosening up a bit. Duni cleared his throat and placed his paws on his hips.

"Well, anyways, let's get going!" the pug cheered, raising a fist into the air but receiving only groans of agitation. Duni threw open the living room doors and headed off down the hallway. "To the bedrooms!"

A sneeze is what startled everyone, and it merely earned a cry of disappointment from Duni as he illuminated the room with his flashlight once more. The pug passed Richard a stone-faced expression as he spoke, "Dick, could you keep your damn allergies under control? You're RUINING this night for me!"

"Hey, calm down!" Dashlie scolded the dog. "We've been going back and forth through the bedrooms for half an hour now! There's dust everywhere, so Dick has a right to sneeze! I'm tired, he's tired, you're tired, we're all tired!" The girl leaned over her knees and narrowed her eyes at Duni as he glanced away pathetically. "So how's about we get this over with and just head somewhere else, huh? Clearly, nothing is going to happen, so let's move on to something new. The faster we do this, the faster we can get to bed and leave this place in the morning."

Paw claws clicked against the hardwood floor of the house as Duni led the way into the dinning room. He glanced apprehensively at the dark corners and shone his flashlight in those directions. Nodding at DDawn to signal for the robot to raise his brightness, Duni flicked off his flashlight and took a seat at the table in a tattered, dusty, antique chair as the room lit up in a dim, white light. The others stood by, Dashlie casting a disgusted look at the musty-smelling table Duni placed the Spirit Box on. Garbled static emanated from the device as the pug switched it on, startling everyone in the room once more. "Ghosts! I am Duni, I am nice. I have come here with my friends. If you wish to say anything, anything at all, you may interact with this little device I have here on the table. What is your name?"

Nothing but white noise came as an answer to Duni's question, and Don heaved a sigh. "I'm heading to the kitchen to see if there's anything to eat," he said, wandering off to the arch that lead off to the kitchen. Dashlie exhaled shortly through her nose.

"'Anything to eat'? What, like dead rats? You do realize any food in there is probably going to be really bad, right?" she commented, but Don waved her off.

"If there happens to be someone else other than us in here that has the intent of harm, I'm grabbing, like, a weapon," he reasoned as he parted ways. DDawn, Dashlie, and Richard watched the back of the boy disappear out of DDawn's circle of light and out of sight. A sinking feeling nestled in Dashlie's chest as she saw Don go, but she dismissed her paranoia and mentally scolded herself for thinking like Richard. Besides, Don was only in the next room. He wasn't even out of earshot.

"D'you guys want to ask any questions?" Duni pleaded more than questioned, looking back at his friends. The night vision camera strung around his neck clunked against the chair, and a sad expression passed over his face in DDawn's light. Dashlie sighed and decided to humor the pug.

"Sure, Duni," she said, and pulled up a chair.


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