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Kurt was laying in the bathtub, head against the cold porcelain, when he felt someone else join him in the water. "Hey." Blaine said and smiled. "Hey. How was work?" Kurt asked his husband.

"I might have two songs ready by the end of the month." Blaine said and smiled brightly. Kurt leaned in for a kiss. "I'm so proud of you, baby." He said and kissed him passionately.

"And because i love you so much, i've brought home a bottle of your favorite champagne and chocolate covered strawberries." Blaine said and pecked his lips. Kurt smiled as Blaine got up from the tub to pick up the items. "You're soaking wet." Kurt said and chuckled.

Blaine appeared again a little later with the items. "I love you." Kurt said and clinked their glasses together. "I love you too." Blaine said and kissed him.

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