Chapter 12

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Sana's pov
Me and the other girls were getting ready because we have a hangout with the guys today and I'm really excited to see Dahyun's face even though I already saw him yesterday but then I got a call from an unknown number so I decided to answer it.
Sana: Hello?
???: Sana? Is this you?
Sana: Yes I'm Sana but who are you?
???: Its me! Yousuke!
Sana: Oh, Yousuke why are you calling me?
Yousuke: I want to hangout with you today!
Sana: But I'm not in Japan...
Yousuke: Yeah I know, I'm in Korea right now!
Sana: I'm sorry Yousuke but I have plans today...
Yousuke: Why, can't I come?
Sana: I don't know...
Yousuke: Don't you want to see me?
Sana: ...
Yousuke: I'll come to your house and thats final!
Sana: But-

I didn't get to finish what I was supposed to say because he hung up "AISH THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MY HANGOUT WITH MY FRIENDS!!!" I exclaimed then everyone went to my room "WHAT HAPPEN ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Momo asked "Yousuke is coming here..." I said "WHAT?!" Mina and Momo said at the same time "But we are going to hangout with the guys." Mina said "I know what will I do??!!" I asked "I just hope that Dahyun won't come cause the stubborn idiot wants to come with us." I added then someone rang our doorbell "Fuck he's here!" I exclaimed and went to the front door and opened it but I was relived that it was the guys and not Yousuke yet "Noona you alright?" Chaeyoung asked "You guys should come in first and I'll explain stuff." I said and all of them just nodded then went to the living room and sat down with the girls with that I closed the door and went to the living room "Oh right, Dahyun can't come today since his going to check some stuff at their company." Jeongyeon explained "Is that soo..." I said, I've gotta admit I'm a bit sad but its ok "Soo noona what do you want to talk about?" Tzuyu asked "Well theres this guy who wants to come..." I explained "And?" Daniel asked "He might get too clingy but we aren't dating alright!" I exclaimed "Alright but you better put him away from us." Jeongyeon said in a serious tone "We don't know what we may do to him." Chaeyoung added then the doorbell rung again so I went to the front door and opened it and saw Yousuke with his wide smile "Lets go I brought my car!" Yousuke said "I'm going to-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because Momo suddenly butted in "She's riding with us, you can just follow our car." Momo said in a cold tone "Can't I just join you guys?" Yousuke asked "Sorry but our car is full just use your car." Mina said with that everyone got in the van I was about to go in too but Yousuke pulled me "What do you want now?" I asked in an annoyed tone "Why are your friends so cold?" Yousuke asked "Maybe their mood changed, because you came..." I said mumbbling the last part "I'm getting in now." I told him and got inside the van and closed the door the Jeongyeon drove off not even signaling Yousuke but he caught up which sucks.

~time skip~
We've been in the mall for a few hours and most of the time Yousuke would cling on me and now we decided to get lunch but Tzuyu said something that made me panick inside "Ohh dubs hyung is joining us for lunch!" Tzuyu said then we looked for a good restaurant and waited for him to come and he came after 20 minutes.

Dahyun's pov
Since I finished doing some office work I decided to text yoda that I'll be joining them for lunch since I know that Minseok hyung will be busy so I didn't bother to ask him.
Hey Tzu, I'll join you guys for lunch is that ok?

Yeah hyung I'll inform the others!

Alright see you in 20 minutes!

With that I put my phone in my pocket then quickly went to my car and left the company to go to the mall that they are in.

No ones pov
As soon as Dahyun came in he greeted everyone except a certain guy "Well, well, well if it isn't the great Kim Dahyun." Yousuke said and smirked "What are you doing here Tainaka?" Dahyun asked in a cold tone "Hangging out with my future wife, how about you what are you doing here?" Yousuke said which made everyone shocked "Excuse me..." Dahyun said and left the restaurant "I will fucking kill you when I come back!" Chaeyoung exclaimed and followed Dahyun with the other guys, Yousuke on the other hand is smirking like he won then Sana slapped him really hard "WHY THE HELL DID YOU FUCKING SAY THAT?!" Sana exclaimed "ISN'T IT OBVIOUS?! ITS BECAUSE I LIKE YOU SANA!" Yousuke exclaimed "NO I KNOW YOU ARE WORKING WITH MY DAD, IF YOUR TRYING TO MAKE ME COME BACK TO JAPAN, TELL HIM THAT HE WILL NEVER CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!" Sana exclaimed and followed Dahyun and the other guys, Jihyo and Nayeon followed her but Momo and Mina stayed.

Momo's pov
I can't belive that uncle will do such a thing but I need to know his side of the story first before I do something "So what are you really here for Yousuke?" I asked coldly "I'm here for Sana..." Yousuke answered "What do you need from her?" Mina asked coldly "As much as I want to say no to her family's arranged marrige I can't because our family company is losing money..." Yousuke explained "So your trying to help your family by agreeing to an arranged marrige?!" Mina asked and Yousuke just nodded "Yousuke please tell uncle Saitou that you can't marry Satang..." I said in a soft tone "But my family-" Yousuke didn't finish his sentence when Mina butted in "You don't love Sana and Sana doesn't love you so whats the point in marrying each other if you don't even love each other?" Mina asked "I don't know......" Yousuke answered "Thats why give up now before you ruin someone else's life." Mina said in a serious tone with that Yousuke left the restauran so I decided to call Sana.
Sana: Hello?
Momo: Where are you guys?
Sana: At the parking lot...
Momo: Why do you sound sad?
Sana: Nothing I'm just tired of running after them...
Momo: Alright if you say so...
Sana: Are you guys on your way here?
Momo: Yeah we'll be there.
Sana: Alright, byeee~
Momo: Byeee~

After the call I told Mina where they are so we left the restauran not even getting a chance to eat because of all the drama that had happened ha.... "Moguri I know your hungry, lets just check on the others and we'll eat." Mina said and I just smiled at her and nodded my head.

No ones pov
When the other had caught up with Dahyun they decided to stop him just to talk to him which they successfully did "Alright... I'm... Tired..." Chaeyoung said "I shouldn't have came..." Dahyun said "What ok that idiot and Sana noona aren't getting married so stop being dramatic!" Tzuyu exclaimed then they heard footsteps coming they looked at the source of the footsteps only to find Sana, Nayeon, and Jihyo running towards them "Ha... Ha... Ha... Finally you guys stoped!" Jihyo exclaimed almost colapsing from running but good thing Daniel was there to catch her "Easy there Hyo, here have some water." Daniel said and gave her his water bottle which Jihyo gladly accepted, Jeongyeon did the same thing with Nayeon and Sana since he knows that Dahyun won't give her water "Dahyun why did you ran away?" Sana asked "Isn't it obvious noona?" Dahyun asked in an annoyed tone "I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU WITH ANOTHER GUY BESIDES ME BECAUSE IT HURTS ME KNOWING THAT SOMEONE CAN MAKE YOU HIS BEFORE ME!!!" Dahyun added which made everyone shocked even Dahyun himself with that Sana hugged him "Don't worry no can take me away from you, I'm just waiting for you." Sana said and Dahyun just hugged her back tightly "Noona I love you, will you be mine?" Dahyun asked while hugging Sana "Yes I will!" Sana exclaimed and everyone just cheered and jumped then Sana got a call from Momo which she answered then waited for them to arrive.

~time skip~
They decided to end their hangout and went to the boys house insted, when they reached the house, the others went straight to the living room while Dahyun went to the kitchen since he knows that they are hungry so he decided to cook for them, after cooking he called the others who quickly came in the dinning room since they were all so hungry and with that everyone chatted happily while eating Dahyun's homemade food.

Ok so finally Dahyun and Sana are together which leaves us with the other ships so yeah hope you guys liked this chapter I updated twice in one day but in different time ehehe welp at least I updated right? Well see you guys on the next chapter hehehe bye bye :))))

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