Chapter 16

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(A/N: guys just a little change in the story i moved their exams to after the competition and in the previous chapters they were just catching up on studies NOT studying for the exams)

Avu's POV

When I heard fais say that I instantly looked at jannat and she had a fake smile on her face and I was honestly so shocked no words were coming out of my mouth. I felt so bad for her.....just in a short span of time we became so close she is as close to me as reem. Me and abhi bhai spoke at the same time and I guess he noticed it too so we went to go talk to jannat in the side. What she said was really sad and I know I can't give fais to her but I can try to cheer her up so I decided to tell abhi bhai.

 Avu: abhi bhai, I think we should help her. I know we can't give fais to her but the least we can do is cheer her up....her birthday is tomorrow we should throw a surprise party for her

Abhi: oh my god, your right between the competition and everything I totally forgot that her birthday is tomorrow...but how are we going to plan a party in such a short period of time

Avu: leave all of that on me....I just need one more person to help me....I'll just ask reem to help me

Abhi: NO

Avu: arre why not 

Abhi: because reem and vishu can distract can take sidd

Avu: but then why can't I take jai

Abhi: arre avu, you're already working with sidd so it will be easier as you two already have the coordination

Avu: ughhh okay bhai whatever you say

I'm going to have to work with that bandar again, I have to spend more time with him....I'm not excited at all. Stop lying to yourself you know you love spending time with him...and you love your stupid fights with i don't now leaveee (A/N this is avu talking to her subconscious mind)

Abhi: I will tell everyone else about it so we can distract jann and you tell sidd

Avu: okay also bhai we need to go away to buy the supplies so we need an excuse for jannat

Abhi: just say you need to buy stuff for the competition

Avu: okay

and we both went back to the group and I went to go tell bandar the plan. I go and stand beside bandar

Avu: bandar I need to tell you something (i whispered)

Sidd: what happened? (he whispered back)

Avu: come to the side

Sidd: guys me and avu are going to get some stuff for the competition that we need so we'll meet you after we're done (he said loudly to everyone and before anyone could say anything he grabbed my hand and dragged me to some random shop)

Sidd: okay now what happened?

Avu: I don't know if you remember or not but tomorrow is jannat's birthday

Sidd's POV

oh shit, how could I forget

Sidd: oh shit, how did i forget such a big thing

Avu: it's okay everyone's been busy because of the competition

Sidd: but I don't understand one thing why didn't jann remind us....I mean she's always so excited for her birthday she would keep reminding us like weeks earlier, so then what happened this time?

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