Chapter X

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In two days, the quiet Avengers compound has turned into a kind of little war zone. People running everywhere, getting ready for the upcoming battle, while the Avengers gather everything they need to rescue one of theirs. Steve has been more active than never. He hasn't slept in three days, and yet doesn't feel tired at all. The rush of adrenaline in his veins is such that he can nearly feel his blood boiling. One person occupies his mind night and day, a solid reminder of his objective. The rest of the Avengers haven't slept much either. Tony has been busy upgrading his suit, something about adding nano photon blasts on his back. Bruce is currently working on a huge version of Veronica for himself and Scott, Hope, Janet and Hank are finishing their new bulletproof suit. Everything is going well, but the tension is slowly growing and everyone can feel it. Wanda's situation hasn't improved a bit, in the bad sense as well as in the good. She is still so weak that she has barely the energy to eat. Pietro doesn't leave her side, except to check on Steve from time to time and shower. And if Steve's heart aches at her sight, he is also very grateful for her to support this for them. She still refuses to cut the link with Nat, meaning she is still a faithful indicator of Natasha's status. She is still alive and that's all that matters to Steve.

Standing in Tony's lab, he watches below through the bay window. Dozens of people are rushing in front of him but he barely sees them. All he sees is Natasha and Thanos. He has never been the murderous type, but for the first time, he can picture himself killing Thanos and be glad to do so. He would love to see the giant bastard die in his arms, by his hands. Seeing the light leaving his eyes and laugh about it, knowing it would be the last thing Thanos would ever hear. As he lets out a small sinister laugh, Tony and Bruce lift their heads and exchange a concerned look. They are aware that Steve would never intentionally do bad things, but the exceptional circumstances they are currently in might bring an exception to this rule. Nodding his head, Tony lets his work on the side before taking a few steps toward their Captain.

« Steve, » he tries hesitantly.

When Steve doesn't answer, Tony closes the gap between them and places a hand on his shoulder.

« Steve, » he repeats louder.

Finally breaking his train of thoughts, Steve looks at him and Tony nearly steps back at the fire and rage burning in the ocean eyes. They stare at each other for a good ten seconds, before Tony speaks again.

« We are nearly done, Steve. Hold on one more day and we get her back. »

Steve nods, before returning to staring at the ground.

« Steve, please, » Tony insists « Tell us. We aren't blind, you know. »

« It's nothing it's just, » Steve starts « Have you ever consider murdering someone voluntarily? » he asks, biting his lip.

« Honestly? Yes, » Tony shrugs « and for even less than this. We know you Steve and you know us. You aren't suddenly a bad guy because you want to murder him. He IS bad and I wouldn't mind piercing his heart either. It doesn't make you bad, just human. Cause if you are a bad guy, I think it's pretty safe to say that anybody is. Steve, we all want to kill him, so if you have a way tomorrow, don't hesitate. »

Steve laughs weakly and shakes his head.

« Thanks, Tony, » he says sincerely « I... needed that? »

« I happen to be a good friend Rogers you know? » Tony smirks, « It's not often but it happens. »

« I know I know Tony but really, thank you »

« Don't thank me for this. That's what family is made for right? Just try to get some sleep. We better be in the best shape to get our spider back. Don't tell her but she is kinda the glue that makes us stick together. But please don't tell her. Her ego is already bigger than mine. »

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