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the said man
unwrapped his apron
from around his waist,
sighing as he glanced
up at the girl. she was
inwardly fighting with
something and hoseok
didn't care to know
what, he just wanted to
finally get his shift over.

"just leave me
alone. you clearly
didn't want me at
your wedding." he
mumbled, pushing
past her to grab his
coat. (yoongi had
brought him it,
announcing that he
looked like a
cuddly bear).

"i know it's just-"
dawon was stopped
as hoseok slammed
the shop door on her,
heading quickly
down the street.

he tugged onto
his hat a little more,
attempting to shield
himself from the harsh
winds blowing. he
could've easily messaged
yoongi for a lift, but his
boyfriend hadn't replied
to him all day. hoseok
was worried.

"hoseok!" she shouted
again, this time fully
reaching the boy and
tugging harshly on
his arm. "i'm pregnant."

hoseok rolled his
eyes, hand fumbling
for his phone as he
quickly rang yoongi,
the wind whipping
around him. "i don't
care." finally the call
connected and hoseok
breathed a sigh of
relief. "baby, are
you okay?"

"i need to tell you
something. please
come home." yoongis
voice was small and
hoseok quickly replied
yes, glancing back
up at his sister.

"yoongi needs me.
you can follow if you
want. doesn't mean
i'm going to let you in."

dawon nodded.
following the boy
home as he unlocked
the door, glancing back
and allowing the
woman in. he was
quickly engulfed in a
hug as yoongi wrapped
his small frame around
him. hoseok chuckled
fondly, pressing his lips
to his forehead.

"yoongi? what are
you doing here? aren't
you-" dawon was
confused. of course
she was. she was the
one who suggested
sending the poor boy
away in the first place.

"i came back. for
hoseok." he cuddled
into his boyfriend,
breathing in his scent
and warmth, the soft
cotton of his t-shirt
gently brushing his
cheek. hoseok felt
like home.

"why does it matter
to you anyway? you
haven't spoken to me
in months." hoseok
scoffed, rubbing his
hand gently up yoongis

"we had an
agreement." dawon
stated, folding her
arms across her chest.
"he obviously broke it."

hoseok furrowed
his eyebrows, glancing
down at his boyfriend.
"an agreement? what
do you mean?"

yoongi sighed,
moving away from
the embrace, fiddling
with his fingers. "this is
what i was going to
tell you. i made an
agreement with jin to
leave you alone. to just
disappear and never
come back."

hoseoks eyes snapped
over to dawon. "and you
clearly had something
to do with this. why
would you do that?
you knew how much i
liked yoongi." liked
more like loved.

"because. after
everything, i couldn't
have him ruining
everything you've worked
for. hoseok, you had a
variety of mental illnesses
that you still haven't
fully recovered for."
she moved over to the
kitchen cabinet, flinging
it open. "does your
little boyfriend know
about your stash of
anti-depressants that
you still have to take
even to this day?"

yoongi glanced up
at hoseok whose teeth
were gritted and his
fists clenched. "he
shouldn't need to
tell me. it's none of
my business. he's
still the same hoseok.
medication or not."

dawon rolled her
eyes. "you're really
getting on my nerves.
i told you to leave.
what are you still
doing here?"

"i'm not going. i'm
here for hoseok."
yoongi hissed back,
moving in front of the
younger as though
he could protect him. "i
knew he was the one
the minute i walked
into that shop. and
i knew the minute
i left that night that
i was in love with him.
yet you ruined
that for me."

everything fell silent
as dawon stared down
at the floor, almost
guiltily. hoseok moves
towards the front door,
opening it wide.

"get out." he spoke
softly, glancing at his
sister. she raised an
eyebrow but didn't
make any means to
move. "i said get the
fuck out!" he yelled,
watching as she quickly
scrambled out. he
slammed the door shut,
chest heaving up and
down as he looked
at yoongi.

"i'm sorry for
keeping this from-"

"i love you too." hoseok
spoke quickly, hands
grabbing his waist
and pulling him in.


"fuck i'm so in
love with you min
yoongi it's unreal." and
with that the pair connected
their lips once more.

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