Hold me close (prinxiety)

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tw: panic attack


It was normal for Virgil to have an panic attack. He's Thomas' Anxiety for heaven's sake! But this time was different.

It all started an hour ago when Roman was teasing Virgil. Ever since Excepting Anxiety it's been more playful teasing then hurtful. 

"Could you be a bigger Emo." Roman teased.

"Says the most dramatic person I know." Virgil fired back playfully. "I bet if a role called for it, you could be the angstiest emo to ever to walk the earth."

The creative side scoffed and made offended prince noises. "At lest I'd be faking. You are just like that all the time! Honestly why are you like this!" 

There it was. The ball had been dropped and Roman instantly regretted it.  Roman had meant it to be a joke, of course, but Virgil being Virgil instantly got insecure a ran to his room.

When Virgil made it to his room he collapsed in purple beanbag on floor by his bed. He started to hyperventilate while his mind came up thousands of reasons why Roman hates him. He clutched his chest and curled up on himself. He didn't process the tears streaming down his face, nor his door opening and the hurried footsteps that followed. Virgil only noticed Roman after the princely figure had picked him up to cradle him. 

"Virgil." Roman said softly "Virgil I need you to calm down."

"I-I-I-I c-can't-" Virgil stuttered out

"Yes you can. Here match my breathing." 

Virgil tried to slow his breathing and copy Roman's.

"That's very good Virgil. Now I need you to tell me five things you see." 

Virgil pried his eyes open to see Roman staring patiently staring down at him. 

"Uhh I-I see my b-b-bed, the b-beanbag, MCR p-poster, my d-desk a-and um... you." 

"Ok now four things you can feel."

"T-tears, warmth, y-your arms, and.... safe?" Roman chuckled as the smaller boy snuggled closer.

"Three things you can hear."

"Your voice, your b-breathing and your laughter." Roman smiled.

"Two things you can smell."

Virgil inhaled deeply. He had slowed his breathing and only a few tears slipped down his cheeks. 

"Your cologne and my deodorant."

"And one thing you taste."

"The pancake Patton made me."

"Good job my Chemically Imbalanced Romance! Now," Roman carefully tilted Virgil's head up with his hand. "I want you to know that I would never mean to hurt you." 

Virgil looked up at Roman.

"But you said-"

"I promise you I didn't mean that!"

"What about-"

Virgil got cut off by a pair of soft pair of lips crashing into his. At first his eyes widened with surprise, but he soon fell into the kiss. 

The kiss only lasted a few seconds but it was enough to take Virgil's breath away. When they pulled away both were had flushed faces. 

"Virgil I....I love you," Roman said softly. "Don't ever think differently." 

  "Roman I-"

"I understand if you don't want to say it back but at least let me take you on a date before you never talk to me again and-"

"Roman! Calm down." Virgil laughed and then looked at Roman through his bangs. "I would love to go on date with you, but I...I love you too."

Roman squeezed the Emo in his lap. Virgil giggled, but it soon turned into a yawn.

"Come on kitten let's get you to bed." Roman said picking up the darker side and setting him on the bed. 

"Aww. Can you say with me, Ro?"

"Of course." 


And that's how Virgil woke up, wrapped up in Romans arms.


Hi guys! I know this is cliche but it's the first Fan fiction I've written and I am aware it sucks. I hope it wasn't a complete waste of time. Bye!   


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