an: HOW ARE THERE OVER 4000 READS ON THIS STUPID ASS FANFIC HELLO??!1? but thank you guys for putting up with my bullshit.
the second game has finally begun. everybody looks at their phones but doesn't say anything because that would ruin the game. except andrew he isn't paying any attention to what his screen says because he's too busy drinking sus tea (you can find it for five sussy dolar). im sure this won't have any consequences in the near future!
wow it's actually task time! we didn't do this last round. zubin & joe go to navigation & do their little tasks. that task bar nobody actually pays that much attention to goes up. tasks are being did!
"hey rob do you notice anything about my avatar?" ross has FANTASTIC news for rob right now.
"aww, ross!" rob gives ross a downright malicious, evil glare. both in among us & in real life. how in among us? i don't know. he just does. "what did we say about you not having speaking rights? :)"
"that's the thing though! i have speaking rights now!"
ross' avatar was no longer white, but actually gray. im so pissed you guys didn't tell me gray is an actual colour in among us now. ive had this stupid "haha ross doesn't have a colour!" gag going for like an eternity & y'all are just NOW letting me know gray in fact IS a colour in among us?
listen i may be making this fanfiction but i don't play among us anymore nor do i follow the "epic gamer lore" or whatever so you guys are the ones losing by having an inaccurate story.
enough ranting back to tally hall amogus. commercial break over.
"now i have speaking rights again!" ross is ecstatic to have these rights that he never really lost. or... rost. haha wow that was so funny haha wow lol!
rob starts an emergency meeting. beep beep. just imagine the sound effect here.
"who""golly guys, stop!" rob is british again. why does this keep happening?
"why does this keep happening?" says joe. "you're robish again."
"just because i said 'golly' doesn't mean i'm british! you literally rap like an english chap."
in real life, the tallies all gasp & look to joe. shocker! he raps like an english chap.
"but i am not british guys Please im not british"
rob has a white anime glare on his glasses as he pushes them up on his nose. he's got a great comeback."red is literally a colour on the british flag"
another gasp! jumpscare!
"so is blue though."
another gasp! i love making the same joke over & over!
"zubin" zubin says. an electric guitar cover of the among us trap remix plays in the background because emo.
"wow zubin congratulations on coming out as british! i know it's hard but i support you :)" rob :)
"among us imposter" zubin
"hehehehshdhwayrhe zubeans you are so funny !"
"hey wait a minute" a lightbulb appears above joe's head & it turns on like an idea in those cartoons. lightbulbs require electricity to light, & the bulb is above joe's head so joe's head must give off an electric currOH MY GOD THE MIND ELECTRIC FUNNY REFERENCE THIJDNK OF THESSE THOGYHT S AS LIKTIFKESS LGHT. "guys does that mean everyone here is british except andrew."
the band slowly (...suspiciously, even) turns to andrew, who is sipping tea & scrolling through twitter.
"hey android ! what are you tweeting about !!" robritain canteaor has a curious
"nft" andrew's hands are shaking looking at the new bored ape nft. yes i know about the nft thing yes this will probably be the only joke i make about it i just think it's funny. don't harass andrew or your bones are as good as Mine.
"haha silly andman & his silly tokens." rob pats him on the back. "are you british?"
andrew snaps his phone out of pure rage. "no."
"haha ok !! play amogus with us now though zubin still is trying to summon the among us imposter" yeah! just like the beginning of this fanfic that keeps getting progressively farther from its roots & less funny!
"he is already among us, rob. he lurks with us. he watches. the imposter is within. we have channeled him & now he lurks in the shadows-"
"yes thank you. but anyway the imposter is here. we cannot escape him. he is always in our company. he-"
"hey guys what does sabotage mean?"
it was andrew. the other four tallies look up & slowly turn to andrew. their eyes practically burn into his skull except for zubin's because his eyes are covered because he's emo & broken 💔💔💔.
"sabotage?" joe asks inquisitively. what a big word.
"yeah it says sabotage down here."
zubin begins to twitch. his hair starts to sway anime boy style. not this again i don't even wanna write it. zubin jumps on his feet & points dramatically to andrew. a flash of lightning strikes.
"oh, cool! does that mean i can... hold on"
a little among us kill sound is heard. joe clutches over with a new pounding headache.
"oh, word. it's just like last round. awesome."
"this is not 'awesome'" joe groans.
"dude...," rob starts, "that means you're sus."
"nah, i made it obvious on purpose. i'm clearly the imposter, i'm just not sus."
the emergency meeting alarm goes off in the game & the lights dim eye are elle (in real life).
will andrew be voted out, or was that just the sussiest coincidence? find out on the next episode of TALLY HALL AMOGUS Z!!!