Chapter 7 - Hotel BAU

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When you entered the the glass doors to the BAU Garcia was standing there waiting for you.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Y/N," She had the typical Penelope Garcia worried expression.

    "What do you mean, Garcia? What happened?" You looked confused.

    It was the day after your date with Reid and everything seemed to have started falling into place. You noticed everyone was in the meeting room sitting at the round table. Garcia didn't answer your question and instead just lead you there.

"We had an envelope delivered this morning addressed to the team," Hotch began placing it in front of you.

    You opened the envelope and inside were dozens of pictures of you and Reid from your date the night before, including standing outside your apartment. There were shots of the restaurant, Reid, you, and every little detail you could imagine. You just sat there staring at them in shock. Your privacy had completely been violated. Reid's privacy had been violated. You looked over at Reid who looked already panicked.

    "It's no longer safe for us to stay at our own home. Whoever is responsible for this knows where we live and that puts our lives at risk. I have decided that we will be staying here until further notice," Hotch collected the pictures putting them back into the envelope.

    "Wait, Hotch. We're staying here? At the BAU?" Morgan looked confused.

    "Just until we figure this out. Rooms will be set up for everyone and you can bring your families as well," He responded trying to explain.

    "A sleepover on bad circumstances. We can still do all the typical sleepover things like order pizza, share secrets, and tell ghost stories... well maybe not ghost stories," Garcia added.

    You were able to go back to your apartment to grab a bag of stuff and whatever you needed for your stay at Hotel BAU. When you got back to headquarters JJ's son Henry was there and Reid was showing him a magic trick. It made you happy to see how well he interacted with children. When Reid saw you he gave you a smile before returning to his coin trick.

    "Y/N, a moment please," Hotch called to you from his office.

    You went and sat in the chair in front of his desk.

    "Do you remember anyone suspicious from that night?" He asked.

    "No, I could have sworn nobody else was there. It was late at the complex at least," You sighed.

"I understand you were distracted but please try to think back," He looked you dead in the eyes.

"Hotch, I really didn't see anyone," You felt like you were being interrogated like it was you being questioned.

    "If you remember anything, come straight to me," He went back to his papers.

    Did he question Reid like this too? You went into one of the rooms they had set up for the team and sat on the makeshift bed. Why couldn't you remember anything? Anyone else at the complex. Who knows how long your job would be your home.

"Knock, knock!" Garcia stood in the doorway with a tray of cupcakes.

"Hey Garcia," You faintly smiled.

"I bake when I'm stressed so enjoy a tasty treat!" She placed one on the table.

"Thank you, I could use some stress food," You laughed.

"Hey, at least you got a good date in before all this," She tried cheering you up before going back to making her cupcake rounds.

    You ate your cupcake and decided it was time to stop sulking in your small room and go out to the main room. Spence was at his desk reading but instantly perked up when he saw you. You went over to his desk.

"What book today?" You asked.

"I'm rereading The Parliament of Birds by Geoffrey Chaucer. It's full of poems," Spence explained.

You just smiled. Who knows how many times he had placed his eyes upon that book. You noticed stacks of books under his desk he had brought for his stay to keep him busy.

    "Here, I want you to read this," Reid grabbed a book from under his desk.

"Symposium by Plato?" You looked at the book.

"It's short but I think you might like it," He smiled.

"Okay, I'll take your word on that," You pulled up a chair next to him and rested your head on his shoulder to see the poem he was reading.

    Hotch had called another meeting shortly after to discuss everything the team had on the unsub. The room of collages of the team, the pictures of you and Spence, and the locations of the pictures. That's all you had on him. It's not like you had a body or a crime scene to investigate. It was basically a waiting game and a game of writing thoughts of possibilities on the whiteboard.

"Former FBI agent?" JJ added to the board.

"Wronged unsub?" Morgan added.

"Someone out of prison now?" Rossi added.

    Cups of coffee and used up expo markers later, it was 12am and no one was getting anything done at this point. We wrapped everything up and went off to our rooms. You drifted off to sleep reading the book Reid lended to you. In the middle of the night you woke up in a panic, sweating. You couldn't remember the dream or nightmare you just had but you were freaked out from it. You didn't sleep for the rest of the night due to it. Instead you stayed awake and read. It was the only thing that calmed you down.

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