Living In Fiction - ORIGINAL POEM

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I live in lands of forces beyond the control of mortals, littered with creatures only found in media,

I see rivers rushing through the landscape, cutting through areas of lush green with specs of colour,

I travel beyond mountains, a Knight on a quest for truth and justice, a Prince ruling over an untouched Arcadia,

Though danger may lurk on the horizon, adventure outweighs the risks for those brave in their endeavours,

I am a Pirate sailing upon the high seas, commanding men of this sort, who hold the key to freedom in their hands,

I am a Warrior, serving the innocent and vulnerable, protecting upon a code of honour and discipline,

In the stories, the brave hero falls in love and lives happily ever after, though for me the real world offers nothing as it stands,

There’s blackness, the rain cloud hovering over my head, spoiling my mood and killing me from within,

I would rather live in fantasy any day, and sometimes I wish I could fall through time into nothingness, where I matter little,

Let me be nothing, anything and everything all at once, let me be a Pirate, let me escape,

With magical creatures, from orcs, fairies, to wood witches, dragons and more, from royalty with purple eyes to wizards and the effect their lives have like a ripple,

These creatures and characters, they live in fiction yet after all this time they remain a treasure, for it is my life after so long they continue to shape,

They were a shield, a protector, a friend and family against those who bullied and teased, against the difficulties of family life,

Let me live among them, fight alongside them for once, because living in fiction would be so much better than dealing with all the world throws at me, all of its strife.

words kept close and spoken in the dark [POETRY - Completed]Where stories live. Discover now