unknown: bro i need my shIT BACK
i don't have your shit lol
unknown: yes you do just give it back
i'm sorry but you have the wrong number
in which alysia, an eighteen year old with a love for photography, receives a...
a/n hi i'm sorry this is late but i took at nap at 2:30 and i'm just now waking up
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liked by wherearetheavocados, justdahlia, tylerdurden and 1,208 others aestheticallyalysia: moonchild 🌙 - wherearetheavocados: fuck wherearetheavocados: you're gorgeous aestheticallyalysia: thank you bby <3 @wherearetheavocados justdahlia: my pretty bsf justdahlia: i love you aestheticallyalysia: i love you too 🥺 @justdahlia justdahlia: friends and ice cream in 30? @aestheticallyalysia aestheticallyalysia: please and ty @justdahlia
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liked by aestheticallyalysia, mateol, finneas and 19,601 others wherearetheavocados: you got your finger on the trigger but your trigger finger's mine - aestheticallyalysia: holy fuck aestheticallyalysia: you're so hot aestheticallyalysia: omgggg you're sooooo tiny wait 🥺🥺 wherearetheavocados: i am not @aestheticallyalysia mateol: don't lie to her @wherearetheavocados @aestheticallyalysia
iMessage billie
how tall are you?
pleaseeeeeee pretty pretty please tell me
you're so tiny 🥺🥺
shut upppp dude how tall are you?
still taller 😌 you're tiny just accept it
i'm not tho
yes you are
i'm not tiny :/
whatever you say eilish
okay durden
please refrain from calling me by my last name
well then please refrain from calling me by my middle name
middle name? i thought eilish was your last name
nope billie eilish pirate baird o'connell
wowza that's a long name but pirate is your middle name? that's so coooooooool
yea it was supposed to be my first name but my uncle didn't like that so now it's billie
what's your full name?
alysia eidith durden
eidith that's cool
whatever i hate it but it's like an acronym even in death i'm the hero edith