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Book One | Facts

A couple of minutes after Stephanie and I had a heart to heart we started discussing a way forward on how we could help the cops find Clay's rapist. We even put together a list of possible suspects and made a pact that everything we discussed further more would stay in this room. No one else could know what we were up to or else it would endanger the mission.

At some point we even thought of involving the cops, it was more of my idea rather than Steph's but then she convinced me that they'd never agree to work with a bunch of kids and that they'd most probably just get in our way so I took her advice and didn't involve them.

Everything seems to be coming together nicely and over the past couple of days Stephanie's bond and I has grown even stronger. We even started to get really close but managed to keep things professional for Clay's sake.

There's actually more to her than meets the eye you know, guess it's true - people should never judge a book by its cover.

...oh yea by the way the cops also confirmed my alibi last week so I guess I'm officially off the chopping board, meaning I'm not a suspect anymore.

Shit seems to be coming together and even though this whole situation still frustrates me I guess just being with Stephanie makes things easier to deal with.

We also spoke to the cops and pleaded for them to let us see Clay but they refused. Apparently the only people who are permitted to visit him are family as well as Michael and Arnia (only because Clay's parents made an exception for them). The two of them haven't been to school ever since that day and honestly I doubt they'll be coming back anytime soon, at least not until Clay is out of the ER.

When we asked the cops if they had any leads yet then refused to share with us what they knew but managed to tell us that Clay's cellphone is missing. Meaning that the culprit must have been someone close to Clay and most probably took the phone to destroy any evidence that might link them to the crime. So fucked up!


- Author's Note -

Fun fact: For those of you who have been paying attention you'll notice that the book starts off on a Tuesday and everything that happens in the present tense before this chapter takes place within a period of four days - yeah that's right! It legit only been four days even though it kinda seems longer or at least it did for me as I was writing this.

The fourth day takes place on a Friday and so it's been a couple of days after so it's roughly Wednesday now. Yeah let's settle for Wednesday - seems like a good date!!

But anyway I hope y'all are still enjoying the book! Please tell me what you think and don't forget to vote!

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