•|Hero Names|•

Start from the beginning

"3,556 for Katsuki?!" You were shocked.

"Got a problem?!" The boy turned around to face you. Bakugou quickly grew quiet and you noticed he was staring at the top of your head. "You look different." He muttered.

You simply chuckled at his furrowed brows.

The class was in an uproar about the offers. Some had offers, some had none, and the uneven distribution was definitely shocking.

"Whether you got offers or not, all of you will be participating in internships with pro heroes." Eraser Head informed. "This is why you will be needing hero names."

"So cool!" You were excited. "I wonder who asked for me."

From what you could see, there were 290 offers for you, putting you between Kaminari's 272 and Iida's 301.

"While these names are temporary, if you're not serious about it-" Eraser Head was cut off by Midnight's flashy entrance.

"You'll have hell to pay!" She yelled. "Hero names used by students can become recognized by society, and usually end up becoming professional names."

"Midnight is here to make sure all of your names are okay." Your homeroom teacher stated before slipping into his sleeping bag.

Whiteboards and markers were passed down the rows and you noticed that Bakugou began writing right away.

"Bakugou-sama~" You teased. When you first met him this was what he suggested you call him.

"Shut up!" He yelled and continued writing.

After a few minutes, Midnight announced that we would be presenting our names. Many other students were scared of being judged, but Aoyama walked right up to be the first person.

His whiteboard revealed an English sentence, "I cannot stop twinkling."

Your sweat dropped. 'Is that even okay?' You could tell that others were thinking the same.

Midnight crossed out a few words and he was left with "Can't Stop Twinkling".

Mina was next and her board read, "Alien Queen"

Midnight sent her back to come up with another name.

Everyone felt pressured to make their names funny now.

Tsuyu changed the atmosphere with her hero name: Froppy.

Kirishima was next as he paid homage to the pro hero Crimson Riot with his Red Riot.

Jiro ran up after you saw her teasing Kaminari and presented her name, Earphone Jack.

Shouji presented his name via his arms. He was to be called Tentacole.

Sero decided to be called Cellophane and you were beginning to have a hard time memorizing it all.

Ojiro was next to present Tail Man.

'That one's easy to remember!' You became relieved. 'Thank you Ojiro!'

Sato's name was Sugarman.

Mina came back and presented her new name: Pinky.

'That one will be easy to remember too!' You were glad.

Kaminari presented his hero name to be Chargebolt.

Hagakure chose Invisible Girl, which you thought suited her.

Yaoyorozu decided to be called Creati which you thought was cute.

Todoroki shocked you with his simple, Shoto.

'Maybe that would be good for me too.' You considered simply using your given name.

"Hey Katsuki did you figure yours out yet?" You bothered the male.

"Yeah," he didn't spare you a glance.

"I don't know what I should do~" You whined.

You briefly glanced at Midoriya who also had no idea what he wanted to be called.

Tokoyami came up with the name Tsukuyomi which you thought was real cool of him.

Mineta's name was written in English, Grape Juice.

Koda stayed silent, but the name on his board read Anima.

Bakugou walked onto the stage and you glanced at his name before he left. You were trying to stifle your laughter so you laid your head down on the desk and faced the nearest wall.

"King Explosion Murder." The boy suggested.

"You probably shouldn't use a name like that." Midnight warned with a serious expression plastered over her face.

"Why the hell not?" The boy dropped his board.

"You should just be something like Explosion Boy!" Kirishima yelled.

You were laughing at their argument.

"What's so funny?!" Bakugou yelled as he headed toward you and back to his seat.

"I told you, write 'Bakugou-Sama'." You whispered jokingly.

"Shut up!" The boy yelled.

Uraraka took the stage and presented her name, Uravity.

"That's cute!" You shouted.

Now there was only a handful of you left, four to be exact.

You walked up to the stage and revealed your board.

"Kind Hero: Charis." You declared.

"Isn't that a greek goddess?" Yaoyorozu was intrigued by your name choice. You nodded excitedly.

"Nice!" Midnight gave you the thumbs up and you went to sit back down.

Iida walked up after you and decided to use his first name just as Todoroki had, Tenya.

Your seat neighbor walked up and presented a board with the name Deku. This surprised you, but he explained that it meant a lot to him.

Before the class ended Bakugou ran up to the front and presented...

"Lord Explosion Murder!"

You laughed. "What's with that?"

In the end, he was rejected again.

BNHA & You (Katsuki Edition)Where stories live. Discover now