Author Rants: Protect the Jacksons

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Idk what typa thing possessed me to write this

I have NO idea

Like I've said this before on my timeline, but I honestly don't. It's the most randomest pairing with MJ I've ever seen. It's like if I wrote a whole ass story on how MJ and Princess Tiana were lovers after he was sucked into a television or something.

And I think the craziest part about it is that people actually like it and find it funny lmao.

I eventually stopped writing it bc I felt it was so corny... and if I found it corny, I didn't want to subject readers to the same thing. It's different reading comedy than it is watching it because to be funny in writing you have to have more levels to it.

To make you laugh in real life, all I'd have to do is make a funny face or fart or something.

That's part of the reason the ending is rushed the way it is.

I also have no idea how I wanted that to end. I was kind of hoping that it'd come it me along the way but it's been SIX YEARS JEEZ. Bro wait

It's rlly been 6 years wow.

That just hit me. 

We rlly in 2020.

That hurt.

If you're reading this, sorry it's so random and unorganized. This is literally just a stream of consciousness thing.

I think the wildest chapter in Protect the Jacksons is Chapter 4: Yo Mammy bc wtf .

If you've read the story, then you'll be aware of the character AJ who is MJ's love interest. AJ is a real person. She's a friend that I've met here on Wattpad nd she's not online as much anymore, but we still txt occasionally. Her accnt is . If you know her, you know she's great.

Also, you'll notice that I had Paris, Prince, and Blanket NOT as MJs biological children bc at the time, I didn't think they were. I was a dumb shit who didn't understand genetics and thought that all biracial children are supposed to come out light brown with loose curly hair. But it's more complicated than that. It's not like mixing chocolate and vanilla where the outcome will always be the same. It's people with genes, DNA, nd all tht.

Also, if you too have a hard time believing those are his biological kids, pls take a look at his siblings children. Most of them (if not all I think) are in interracial relationships, and their children can most definitely can pass as white.

And if you STILL have trouble believing it- which is fine I'm not gonna force you- it doesn't matter because he raised those children. Those children are his children whether it be by blood or not.

Well that's all I have to say. Again, I apologize for the rushed ending of that story, but I really could not bring myself to finish it, but I also didn't want it to be left uncompleted forever.

I think we all know the feeling of coming across a fan fic tht we rlly enjoy just to find that it hasn't been updated in years and know that it'll never be updated again. 

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