☀️Chapter 37☀️

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Yugi's POV

I wake up to an alarm going off signaling it's time for Yami and I to get up for our interviews today and for me to take abby to daycare,

Grudgingly I slam my hand over the button shutting the alarm off and waking Yami up with a kiss then showing, checking Abby and putting her in her high chair and giving her food then cooking Yami and I's,

"Morning baby"

He pecks my lips with a smile and adjusts his tie before grabbing a cup of coffee and a bagel,

"Leaving so soon?"

He hums in response and quietly nods while kissing me again then Abby,

"I'll Be back before one"

I nod and smile eating the little breakfast I made and clean up then dress Abby and clean her up then myself showering and shaving then bucking her up and driving to the daycare center,

"Alright Abby be a good girl for mommy and daddy okay?"

She nods and frowns a bit as I carry her in and to the front desk,

"Excuse me I need to sign my daughter up for daycare"

The desk lady nods and types onto her keyboard then prints out a sheet and hands it to me,

"This is the application and you need to fill this out then we'll talk about monthly fees and what time you will be picking her up and dropping her off"

I nod and take the clipboard and a pen then walking into the waiting room and setting Abby down on the ground letting her play as I fill out the papers,

Standard questions like her name, age, my and yami's phone number in case of emergencies, our address and of course who's allowed and not allowed to pick her up, what time we'll be getting her and what time we'll be dropping her off,

I pick her up and carry the form back to the lady with Abby on my hip, and hand it to her seeing her type in all the information and having me sign the bottom then place it into a file and smile weakly at me,

"The monthly fee is $35 a month and we can't keep her no longer than 9:30"

"That's great! Okay thank you, so can I leave her here today?"

She nods and points toward a little room so I carry her over there and walk in seeing many little kids running around playing together and several teachers watching them,

"Hi I'm yugi and this is my daughter Abby"

The three female teachers awe and try talking to her but she hides behind me,

"Awee who's that lucky woman?"

I cringe at the thought and place Abby down allowing her to run around with the other kids,

"Actually I'm married to my husband which is Yami sennen and I have birth to her"

Two of them gasp while the other awes again and congratulates me then I leave after kissing Abby goodbye and drive to the restaurant for my interview,


Yami's POV

"So mr sennen what's your goal here?"

I rub my temple and sigh deeply after hearing this question for the 100th time,

"Look I've done answered this with three different people okay? Let me see kaiba" (Idec if I spell it wrong anymore)

He sighs but then nods pressing a button and escorts me to his office and lets me in, there he sits on the phone with what sounds like Joey,

"Listen mutt I'm busy right now and have more important things to do than listen to you ramble on about how your favorite tv show was canceled and your out of icecream okay? I love you all call you later, bye"

He hangs up as the man leaves us alone and I take a seat in front of him,

"Give me the job please"

He nods gives me a key, your office is next to mine in case you need anything,

"Thank you, I'll start tomorrow"

I smile and walk out as he nods and I get into the car and start the long drive home,


Yugi's POV

"Back There is the kitchen and there is a little cafe over there you may have to work there to sometimes"

I nod taking in all the info and taking small notes as the young man shows me around,

"And you'll be doing a little of everything cooking, cleaning, taking orders, serving, you'll be on the floor a lot so I hope your good at talking to people"

I nod smiling and putting the notepad away and shaking hands with him and going to the daycare and picking up Abby and driving home,


"How did it go?"

I yell to Yami as he walks in the door as I lay Abby to bed and walk back to the room where Yami lays rubbing his temples,

"I got it, but I was questioned by twenty different people until one of them listened to me and sent me straight to kaiba where he instantly gave me the job"

I smile and strip to my boxers and slip into bed with him, nuzzling up against his chest and listening to him ramble and his heart beat,

"Sorry I'm rambling, how about you?"

He says and I smile tracing patterns onto his chest soothing him,

"I got it but it'll be a lot of work but definitely be good income and it'll keep my busy but I'll miss you and Abby"

He smiles and kisses my head rubbing my bare back up and down while I place small gently kisses onto his chest hearing his breathing calm down and his eyes slowly close,

"It's been a long day and I start tomorrow"

I nod in agreement because I do to but I'll have to get up earlier to take Abby to daycare,

"Well we'll need plenty of sleep"

I nod and look up placing my lips onto his then laying my head back on his chest and closing my eyes drifting off to sleep,


A/N: right so I get this isn't that intriguing but ohhhh I have plans MUAHAHAH 😂

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