Day One.5;; Teeth (Separate Drabble)

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    Sasuke sighed as his back met the wall. His boyfriend had him caged between his arms in the middle of some dirty alley. Naruto’s lips brushed against his neck, inhaling his scent. He refrained from shuddering as a moist tongue darted out to taste his skin before leaving sloppy kisses along his collarbone. Sasuke knew what Naruto was thinking. It was always the same thing, after all - how Sasuke tasted like a slice of heaven, a delicacy that only he had the privilege of indulging in. He groaned at how cliché his boyfriend was.

    “Cut it out, idiot. Anyone could walk past,” Sasuke muttered as he searched both ends of the alleyway to make sure no one was watching. He rolled his eyes at the low rumble from his partner that seemed to echo throughout the entire street. “Don't laugh, I'm serious.”

    “Even if someone did see, it’s not like anyone cares! People already assume,” Naruto chuckled as he lifted his head and flashed him a grin before nipping on his lower lip.

    With narrowed eyes, Sasuke placed his palms on the blond’s chest and pushed him back just enough to remove those enticing lips from his body. He ran his fingers down to the hem of Naruto’s pants. Tugging at his belt, he smirked when a blush crawled across his face. It was easy to make him flustered - even the gentlest of caresses could turn his boyfriend into putty. Sasuke loved watching him melt, loved teasing him until he was begging for his release. Grabbing the blond’s wrists, he flipped their positions and pinned him against the wall. Sasuke licked his lips before biting down hard on his lover’s neck.

    “Ow! Your teeth-”

    “You don't like it? You're always biting me, I thought you'd enjoy it when the roles were reversed,” Sasuke sneered before he released Naruto, turning on his heels with a dismissive wave, “It’s getting late anyway, I’m going home.”

    “Wait, Sasuke, come back! You can bite me if you want to!” Naruto pleaded, chasing after the retreating form of his boyfriend, “You're so vindictive!”

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