Y/n Rose was the oldest and most battle hungry of his siblings ever since he was a boy and this would usually get him into trouble that lead to beatings and abuse and soon neglect and one day he has enough and runs away and soon was found by a man w...
You woke up to the sound of the baby crying and you soon comforted him and took a shower and you heard the sound of knocking and soon got ready and put on your helmet and answered it to see...Ruby.....
Mando:What do you want?
Ruby:I want you to forgive me...I was a spoiled brat back then...
You attempted to close the door but she stopped it and she crushed her hand and she screamed in pain and yang came running.
Yang:What happened?!
Ruby:He closed the door and I stopped it with my hand and it got crushed. It's not major just some pain.
Mando:Look who's talking.
She looked angry but was going to say something until ruby stopped her and they left for class and you got the baby ready and soon started walking around the school and saw ruby and yang enter a room and you followed to see what there doing and it was a arena of sorts and a guy with yellow hair was fighting a girl with red hair and got his ass kicked.
Goodwitch:Well done mrs Pyrrha May you please leave the arena? Pyrrha:Very well.
The teacher soon saw you.
Goodwitch:Mr rose what are you doing here?
Mando:Just taking the little one around since he was restless.
The child:(Happy baby yoda noises)
Goodwitch:Very well yang please choose someone to spar with?
Yang:My brother.
Goodwitch:Uhh yang your brother is not enrolled he's just stranded here until he refuels his ship...
Mando:I don't mind.
Goodwitch:Uhhhh okay..
You soon enter the arena and so did yang and you saw ruby playing with the baby and the child seemed to like her and soon the battle began.
Goodwitch:Mr rose you seem to lack a aura.
Mando:The hell's a aura?
Yang:You don't know what a aura is?
Goodwitch:Pyrrha May you unlock his aura?
Pyrrha soon placed her hand on you and started the ritual to unlock your aura and it was silver.
Goodwitch:Good now begin.
Yang charged and you dodged and took out your pistol and rifle and set it strictly to stun mode and begin using it to hit her and she shot bullets at you that bounced off and you land a hit on her pushing her back to the wall and she suddenly glowed red and her eyes turned red as well and soon she charged and pushed you into a wall and started punching your helmet and you felt nothing and soon she stopped and placed her hands on her neck and you see the baby doing a grip position with his hands and you remember he has magic and you ran out of the arena and grabbed the baby.
Soon yang stopped and caught her breath.
Yang:What is that thing?!
Ozpin:It's a Jedi..
You turn to see Ozpin drinking from his mug and walked to the baby.
Ozpin:Jedi were a order of warriors that once protected remnant from Grimm but soon left to explore the galaxy..Or so the story's go. It appears this one has the same abilities of Jedi but is not of age to master them..
Mando:I heard rumors of Jedi in the core systems...Supposedly they attempted to kill the chancellor of the galactic empire and thus they were all killed.
You soon left with the baby and received a message from a unknown number with the message saying the following "You have failed your mission mando thus your guild ratings have gone down and how could you not kill your own sister that abused you as a child? Now my men will deal with her and you... I am very sorry mando."
You dropped the holo tape and ran to the head office and played back the hook tape and he said he will alert the other academy's and you left and informed Ruby and she hugged you!
Ruby:Please.....Y/n....Protect me..
Mando:I....I will....Even though you abused me I'll won't watch as my own family dies.
She cried and hugged you more and soon you grabbed let go of her and flew back to your ship and opened the cargo bay and saw a women standing there.
Women:You failed your mission mando.
Mando:Who the hell are you?
Women:Someone working for someone with a power beyond you and everyone else.
The women soon exited your ship and you saw her face..One that lacks any life.
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Salem:I am Salem!
Mando:You won't kill my sister!
Salem:I am sorry but my master demands it!
She suddenly thrusted her hand forward releasing a wave of lightning at you and you dodged it and told your ship to close the cargo hold on her and she suddenly vanished.
Salem:He waits for her death...The lord of the Sith..
You soon reported the info to Ozpin and all of remnant was put on high alert.