Chapter Five

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"You can't start the next chapter if you keep rereading the last." - Unknown.

Dedication: Callthecops for the awesome cover on the side - thank you!


I didn't reply. He brushed past me and I turned. He strode towards Megan, who I hadn't realised was here, and grabbed her hand. He glanced back at me, a smirk planted on his lips. I felt my nails biting into my flesh.

I was genuinely surprised at the tsunami of anger that poured through my body at this. I think it was a build-up of the party, the drugs, Jacob and now her. Of course he would go for her, she was gorgeous. It hurt me to think of them together, after everything she has done to me. I felt the sudden urge to scream. Turning, I stomped up my stairs.

I wish this night never happened.


The sound of an engine roaring woke me up from my almost-coma-like state.

My head was pounding from last night's alcohol consumption and my stomach was already churning uncomfortably. With a groan, I rolled to my side and checked the time. It was only 7:00am. Who on earth would be at my house this early?

Begrudgingly, I pulled myself from my bed and began muttering disgruntled words on my way down the hall. I stomped down my winding staircase. After wrenching the door open and being semi-blinded by the fierceness of the sun, my eyes adjusted to a shiny, black motorcycle which was now planted on my driveway. My eyes narrowed instantly as they landed on the back of the boy who lead me to drink so much last night.

"What the hell are you doing?" I called out, wincing at the hoarse tone of my voice.

"What does it look like Sweetcheeks? I bought a motorbike."

Marching towards him, I didn't stop until we were mere metres a part. I folded my arms across my chest, feeling over exposed in just my baggy T-shirt. I felt the hair on my arms stand as he turned, facing me and the air nip at my exposed legs.

"I thought you were saving money, which is why you haven't paid my insurance." The last words were laced with as much resentment and bitterness I could muster. Which was a lot.

He shrugged. "I got over saving."

My teeth were grinding together by this point. "You owe me for not shutting down the party last night and I want my car back!"

"Oh please," he rolled his eyes, leaning back against his bike. "You had fun last night."

I stared at him for a moment, a little surprised. He said the word 'fun' like it was a cuss word. Was he annoyed that I got with Jacob? Or am I just reading too much into this for no particular reason? I don't want him to care. I don't want me to care whether he cares.

"Not as much as you, clearly."

"Are you going to have a problem with everything I do?"

"If they're stupid things that affect me, yes." I responded flatly.

"That's unfortunate. For you."

"I hate you." I sighed, closing my eyes.

"No you don't."

The most annoying thing was that he was right. I don't hate him, despite how frustrating he is. Turning my back to him, I stormed back towards the house, angrier now than I had been before. I should have guessed it would be Xavier.

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