CH 43 // Christmas Day

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Christmas Morning didn't come quick enough for Charlie. He woke up at 1 with too much excitement to settle down. He tossed and turned in bed, trying to get comfortable. But he couldn't stop thinking of all the fun that was ahead. A fun breakfast with Mia, more christmas movies, and later on he and Alex were ganna go walk around town and maybe play in the snow. He couldn't wait.

After Ten long minutes had dragged by, Charlie decided that it was time to get up. He found his socks burried under the sheets at the end of his bed and slipped them on before making contact with the cold floor. He tip-toed his way to the door and silently turned the knob and creeked it open. As he did, he felt a knot in his stomach grow. He felt as though he was back living with his Father again. And the slow creeking of the door could wake him at any moment. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath while he waited for the feeling of dread to pass.

When he opened his eyes again, he was back to reality. He made his way down the hall, looking over the railing at the Christmas tree below. As he walked down the stairs, he noticed just how many presents were sitting under the tree. Were all of those for him? There had to be atleast Ten boxes.

Any sane kid would have been absolutely frilled to see so many. But Charlie couldn't help but feel guilty.

"What the hell are you doing?" His Father said annoyed as he walked by.

Charlie flinched, almost losing his balance ontop of the step ladder, tape in one hand and Christmas lights in the other. He was running low on tape, but he knew his Father wouldn't want him using the tacks. Charlie answered him by pointing to the rest of the living room he had decorated. He had tried to do it just like his Mom used to. It was their first Christmas without her, but he wanted it to be perfect.

"Do you have to be in way?" Was his Father's only response.
Charlie's grip tightened around the tape. Why didn't he care? Did he forget that this was Mom's favorite time of year?
He was in the way though. His step ladder was just in front of the kitchen, His Father's favorite place to be since that's where the beer was.

Charlie did his best to hurry up so he could move on to the next part of the livingroom.
Just as he had finished though, he had lost his footing. He fell, the step-ladder tipping over with a loud crash against the kitchen tiles. A moment after, the sound of a fist hitting the table was heard, causing Charlie's stomach to drop. He looked up, still on the ground, to see David stomping over to him.

"For fucks sake!" David yelled. He put a hand on his forhead, squeezing his eyes shut. "It's bad enough I have a fucking hangover" He grumbled. "And now you're over here breaking my shit". That was a bit of an over exaggeration. His step-ladder was fine anyways. "And you're using up my tape?!"


Charlie stood, not wating to hear anymore of it. He fled to his room, locking the door. He stayed there for the rest of the day, and the living room stayed half decorated for the rest of the month until his Father tour it down. Ever since then, Christmas became smaller and less meaningfull each year. Charlie gave up on decorating, cooking, and eventually he gave up on looking forward to the gifts as well after his Father gave up on that too. He assumed it was because his Father now hated Christmas. Maybe it reminded him of Mom too much. Perhaps it was because he resented Charlie. Or maybe it was both. Either way, Christmas had become nothing to him now.

That was until yesturday though, when Mia, Alex, and Heather, reminded him what it was all about. This Christmas Eve was very special to him, one he would hold dearly to his heart.

Maybe Christmas Day would be just the same.

Charlie had a seat on the couch. He pulled out his phone to avert his eyes from the wrapped up boxes and texted Alex.

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