Chapter 11

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~A few weeks later~

London's POV:

It has been days since Tokyo passed out. He still hasn't woken up yet, but me and the other capital know why. He is using all his energy to keep Japan alive. Right now he is the only thing standing between Japan and death. The other countries have been doing everything to win this war...but we have lost another country..both sides have. We lost Italy..and Venice. Venice tried everything to keep Italy alive..but she died in the end. The Allies lost N. Korea, Canada, and their capitals. "When will this bloody battle end," I thought sadly as I entered the room where Japan and Tokyo were. Russia was sitting by Japan's side. He had barely left the little nation's side since Japan asked him to be his big brother. We also lost a few 2Ps. Lutz, Zao, Matt, and N. Korea's 2Ps all died when their 1Ps did. I sighed and walked over to Moscow. It looked like she had been crying..which surprised me. Normally Moscow looked...well she looked dead a robot. I guess this was an improvement. "What's wrong?" I asked quietly. Moscow looked down at me. Yep definitely had been crying. Moscow took a shaky breath. "You haven't heard?" she asked, "America and D.C. are dead." It felt like a punch in the stomach. My little sister...dead. I sucked in a deep breath to keep myself from crying. "Does England know America is dead?" I thought walking off to find my country.
After a while I found England outside in the garden with Xia. "Should I tell him while Xia is standing there?" I thought as I approached the two nations. "Oh London. I'm happy to see you...what's wrong?" England said noticing the tear stains on my face. "Can we talk...privately?" I said. England nodded his head and said goodbye to Xia before walking with me to a willow tree. "Now what's wrong, love?" England asked. I rolled my eyes. "Worst time ever for you to start acting like Oliver, England..." I thought before saying, "America...and D.C. are dead." England face became unreadable and his eyes seemed to glaze over as if he was looking at something in the distance only he could see. "That bloody wanker can't be dead," he said finally. "London?" I looked up at him. "Yes Arthur?" I said. England had a few tears roll down his cheek. "Why..why did my little brother have to die? And why couldn't I protect him?" he said quietly. I wanted to tell him everything would be alright, that America would come back. That America would want to be his little brother again. But I knew none of this would happen...and it made me angry. Angry that this war had even started. Angry that my country was suffering and others were dying and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt so useless. What was my point being here as a capital if I didn't do anything. Finally I spoke. "Don't lose hope."

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