Ch. 2 "The Weirdest Love You've Ever Seen" - Free Time Event (Anabella)

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I had fallen asleep after those thoughts. I woke up and wanted to see if anyone else was awake. I found myself in front of the movie theatre doors. I opened the door and found someone there. Not sure if I was upset or happy to see them.

Ari: Hey, Anabella.

Anabella: What do you want?

Ari: Calm down. I'm just trying to see if there was anyone awake at this time.

Anabella: Well, I'm sure this is someone else that is up, so go talk to them.

Ari: Fine, I'll leave.

Anabella: Bye.

As I head towards the door, I stopped and turned around.

Ari: No.

Anabella: Excuse me?

Ari: I won't leave. I want to spend time with you, even if that means I have to sit here in silence with you.

Anabella: What if I leave?

Ari: Then, I'll follow you. I'm very determined, so I wouldn't try my patience.

Anabella: As you wish.

We sat in silence for a moment, not making eye contact for long periods of times.

Anabella: Does this theatre even play any good movies?

Ari: I'm not sure. I haven't been in here really.

Anabella: I hope the have movies like that one movie where the kid gets stuck in a horrible family. Then, he is left home alone around Thanksgiving, and two kidnappers try to kidnap him. In the end, the kid outwits the kidnappers and is loved by his family.

Ari: I think you mean Christmas, and I'm almost positive they were thieves, not kidnappers.

Anabella: Potato pototo.

Ari: So, how did get your talent as the Ultimate Mathematician?

Anabella: My parents were both accountants, so they pushed towards math, which I excelled in. It got to the point where I could basically teach the classes when my teachers were lazy.

Ari: So why not be an accountant like your parents?

Anabella: Mathematicians get a bigger salary, and they focus on theoretical research, instead of the practical, accounting tasks.

Not sure I completely understand what that means, but I shook my head if I knew what she was talking about. After Anabella was done talking, the conversation came to a stop, so I did what any person would do. I tried to continue it.

Ari: So what would you is your favorite drink?

Anabella: Huh? Didn't know I was getting interviewed right now.

Ari: You're not. I was just want to get to know more about you.

Anabella: O-K. Well, if I had to choose, I would choose an espresso from Starbooks. I guess I should ask you. What is your favorite beverage?

Ari: A refreshing, sweetened tea from MacDonny's.

Anabella: Good choice. Well, are you happy, now? We had a conversation without yelling at each other.

Ari: Yeah, thanks Anabella.

Anabella: You can call me, Bella, if you want.

Ari: Okay, sounds good with me, Bella.

Anabella: Well, I don't this conversation to drag, so I'll see you later!

Ari: Bye Bella.

I left the movie theatre and returned to my room. I think Anabella and I really bonded today, or should I say, Bella? Guess I still have some free time before the group meeting.

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