15 Keep Your Head Up

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"KEEP YOUR HEAD UP" was the last thing Jade saw before her face collided with her door, she fell backward with a heavy thud, and guess what she landed on. ..
Right! her butt.

"Christ! Not again...." Her butt was getting sore by too much of falling on it. Jade blamed it all on the stupid four words that got her whole life in a twist within just a few hours.

First, she had gone home from school and refused to look down at anything or anybody at all, not even the O Scary green ghost with the hat in SpongeBob.

Secondly, she looked her dad in the eye and said "am not hungry Dad"

As childish and common as it sounds she had never said no to anyone, not at home and not in school thankfully the people at school didn't so much ask her for favors except for her big secret with April.

She snuck her assignments to her all the time

She'd tried her best to look up without feeling the need to look down every minute cause she was afraid someone would look up too and their eyes would meet, yeah she was shy and okay with it.

She was feeling a boast of energy and excitement she didn't know was there, it sprang from nowhere, and she found herself wanting to test the waters outside her house too.

Everything was going fine until she hit her head for the seventh time on her jerk of a door that couldn't give way for a lady and who had a paper pinned on it with the inscription

"Keep your head up" She huffed and crawled her way to her bed not bothering with the door.

She lay there thinking of a few tests, with thoughts of Pretty Boy, constantly intruding. She didn't, mind moreover he was just a hard test.

Difficult, exciting, and confusing. She wondered if she could just pass him like her previous test, but then he was different and impossibly hard, seeing he didn't have a definition or a formula somewhere on how to solve him.

She was still in deep thought when Jan came bursting into her room, like a cop. "What is going on?"

She demanded not liking the invasion of privacy especially when nursing such thoughts she was having a while ago.

"Well," Jan said. "I was thinking I would borrow one of your clothes for tonight?" It sounded like a question but Jade ignored her biting her lips from protesting.

It always happens Jan runs into her room acting super late and snatches one of her best clothes not that she minded or needed them she never wore them.

But the mere fact that Jan thought it a waste for her to own the fine clothes her mum bought for her constantly vexed her beyond comprehension.

Yes on her own she would never buy or wear any of them but then at least a person's gotta have a few valuables for goodness sake.

Jade just sat and watched her pick whatever she wanted without uttering a word.

The next day flew so fast that Jade had to constantly check her time and the sky, to see if the morning arriving earlier was due to some effect in the solar system or something, anything to keep her away from school, because school meant trouble for her.

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