Jane: You guys were finally going to go on your first date and you were beyond excited. You sighed happily as you stared at yourself in your (F/C) dress and didn't bother to put make up on cause Jane would've gotten upset because she believes your naturally beautiful. You heard a knock on your door and as quickly as you could you rushed to your front door. You opened it to find Jane dressed in her normal attire and smiled as she looked you up and down. "You look absolutely beautiful hun!" She complimented making you blush "Thank you love! So do you!" You complimented back and she kissed you gently. "Ready?" She questioned "Ready!" You replied with a nod of your head and off you went to the restaurant.
~Time skip~
You guys were finally enjoying your meal and it was delicious but Jane was fuming. When you guys made it to the restaurant and got your table you sat down to order. The waiter came over and he began to flirt with you constantly, eyeing you while taking your guy's orders. When he came back to give you the check he slipped a small piece of paper into to your cleavage and Jane finally snapped to let all her rage out. She grabbed him by the collar, grabbed the paper from your cleavage causing you to blush and stuffed it down his throat. She grabbed you after paying the check and quickly rushed out of there. When you arrived home you pecked her cheek "Don't worry Jane I would've never called him! I LOVE YOU!" You reassured her and she pecked your lips. Holding you possessively and you graciously returned the hug.Clockwork: You were getting ready for your first date with clockwork and you were nervous but excited at the same time. You guys were going on a peace full stroll down the pier at night and you thought it was very romantic. You wore a (F/C) t-shirt and blue faded skinny jeans with your hair (curled or straightened). You heard a knock on your door and hurried to open it. When you did there stood your loving girlfriend in her natural beauty and seemed to be frowning. "What's the matter?" You asked and she slipped off her jacket then placed it over your shoulders. "There! That should keep by hot stuff warm!" She stated before kissing your blushing figure "I-I could've gotten my own jacket!" You said embarrassed. She just chuckled and grabbed your hand.
~Time skip~
You were currently mad at yourself for almost declining clockworks thick jacket as it smelled exactly like her and you were happy to be warm. As you were walking you guys decided to stop and get cotton candy. Clockwork was glaring at the man as he made you your cotton candy because he was constantly staring at you. Yes you looked very cute in her jacket but only she was allowed to notice and was getting furious. When he handed you your candy he made sure to brush his hand against yours sending clockwork over the edge when you blushed. She jumped over the counter and stabbed the guy a couple of times while you blushed madly at her jealousy. Luckily you were his last customers and she grabbed your hand after wiping hers on a clean paper towel to continue the date. You pecked her lips and promised that you had waited way to long date her just to leave her.Nina: You and Nina were on a date at the park. You were wearing a (f/c) tank top and shorts while Nina wore a her normal attire except for her hoodie and had a white t-shirt underneath. You guys swung on swings while holding hands, rolled around in the grass in each other's arms and got ice cream afterwards. While you guys were eating your ice-cream Nina noticed a suspicious teenager eyeing you while you licked your ice cream. She glared at him but he didn't seem to pay no attention to her. She growled and was not about to lose her senpai to a freaking perverted scumbag.
~Time skip~
Close to the end of your guys cones Nina notice the guy got closer and was practically in arms reach of you. As you were eating your ice cream a little dropped off and onto your cleavage. The guy got a smirk on his face and attempted to lean down and lick it up causing you to finally notice the perv when Nina grabbed the back of his shirt while handing you her ice cream cone and dragged him into the forest. You could hear her rage jealously "SHE IS MINE! MINE! MINE!" You heard her shout and then she came back to you bloody. She bent down and licked up all the ice cream you dropped onto your chest causing you to blush. You guys finished your ice cream and then went home so she could shower.Rouge: You and heather were on a date at the animal shelter where you worked because you guys loved playing with all the animals. You guys played with cats and dogs that were there and that were safe to interact with. Of course all of your coworkers were there working but the one you wished wasn't was the one that constantly flirted with you and you told him multiple times you weren't interested. You told heather about him and she promised that if he tried anything she would assert her claim over you to show you were taken.
~Time skip~
You were currently petting a cute husky when you felt someone squeeze your butt and let out a squeak quickly standing up straight. You turned to find your annoying coworker "Did you miss me beautiful?" He asked "No I didn't!" You scoffed with a roll of your eyes. He made a fake hurt motion before chuckling "Come on baby don't be like that~!" He stated as seductively as he could reaching for your breast. Luckily he was cut off by your girlfriend punching him in the face "Don't touch her, Don't speak to her and don't even look at her! She is taken and told you multiple times she doesn't like you!" She shouted. He scoffed "Bitch what's it you?" And heather growled "What's it to me? Here let me show you!" She replied before smashing her lips onto yours. She pulled away and looked at your shocked coworker "That answer your question pervert?" She asked rhetorically. She grabbed your hand and took you out of the room heading straight for your bosses office. You ended the date getting him fired for inappropriately touching you in the work place.Zero: You and zero decided to have a date at the movie theaters. You dressed causally in a t-shirt and sweatpants while zero wore her dress and scarf. On your way to the theaters zero held you close to her so no one attempted anything and you still received a lot of looks. Zero realized and glared at them causing them too look away. You then arrived, waited in line And bought tickets to see (Y/Fm). Then decided to go get snacks for the movie and started with popcorn.
~Time skip~
While waiting on zero to come back from the bathroom you sat in the lobby with your popcorn waiting and a little nervous. You didn't like how a couple of guys were staring at you and one was licking his lips. When zero came back from the bathroom he decided to be brave and approached you. "Hey there baby~! Why don't we ditch the movies and go back to my place~?" He asked trying to be seductive and you heard zero give off a low but detectable growl "Hey buddy! Why don't you stop flirting with my girlfriend before I bash your skull in?" She asked. The guy became scared and nodded his head before going back to his friends. Zero kissed your cheek "Mine!" She mumbled before dragging you into the viewing room to watch your movie.Judge angels: You and angel decided to have a picnic at the park to enjoy nature. You packed the picnic blanket and the food before walking to the park. What you didn't notice but angel did was a guy checking you out when you walked past. You were wearing skinny jeans that showed off your curves and angel didn't like that it was gaining others attention. His gaze seemed to have been fixated on your butt which infuriated angel when he started licking his lips.
~Time skip~
Half-way through your picnic angel noticed that same guy and she got mad again. He walked over to you two "May I join you ladies on your picnic?" He asked you and before you could respond angel beat you too it. "No you can not! So stop staring at my girlfriend and leave or I will kill you!" She responded darkly and the man ran off. "Aww is my whittle angel jealous?" You teased and she blushed "N-No!" She responded looking away embarrassed. You chuckled before grabbing her waist and pulling her into your lap. You kissed her and reassured her you weren't going anywhere.

Creepypasta Girlfriend Scenarios
FanfictionI'm gonna regret doing this and I will not be doing smut for this. If you wish for smut Creepyfan69 has a whole female smut book go have fun. Yes this is for lesbians girlxgirl and yes I know I'm a bisexual male but I need a use for my oc Neo Chara...