[whizzer] smh my fucking head bruh
[whizzer] lost my airpods >:(
[jason] haha sux 2 b u
[jason] u little shit :)
[marvin] Hey, watch your language young man.
[jason] ok boomer
[marvin] How dare you call me that i am your father.
[marvin] Such blantant disrespect.
[jason] sUch bLaNtAnT dISrEsPeCt
[marvin] >:(
[whizzer] marv stop using that emoji it makes you seem old
[marvin] You literally just used it and i'm the one who seems old?
[whizzer] yeah
[whizzer] see you get it
falsettos bullshit ass texting shit
Humoruhmmm modern au I guess cause huhu hi uudndi