You got jealous of two people under a misunderstanding, but to be fair, Raph had been upset you decided to spend the evening with Donnie in the lab rather than him. Those two people were Casey and April. Casey had made a comment just being Casey, and you took it the wrong way.Casey because Raph had been up his butt, and April, because,'ll see.
You exited the lab to finally spend time with Raph. Donnie helped you finish your math homework, so you got done with your class for the semester! You were shocked Donnie could teach himself just about anything under the sun.
"Hey Raph, would-"
"Don't bother, Raph's hangin' with us."
You looked at Casey with a frown. April was under Raph's arm, her eyes on the movie in front of them. It was Raph's favorite movie, and the three of them were all laughing and making comments about the characters. Raph offered April some popcorn, not even noting your existence in the room. You nodded, understanding but nonetheless still angry, and went back into the lab.
They could have fun without you, and you refused to be jealous over it.