Festive, Confectionate... Confession!!(2)

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-"Welcome to our class Hajime." Chiaki said with a smile.

"Ease up Hajime, have a cupcake, one's for you too after all!" You said with a light giggle.-

"Oh crap! I don't think ever asked you if you were ok with me saying your first name...! I'm sorry-"

"It's fine." Hajime said, "After everything you both have done for me, why would I be bothered by that?" He chuckled.

Finally, everyone had come together, the room was decorated, the food was set up, the games, everything! All that was left now was for you all to get dressed for the fireworks, but it wasn't time for that yet.

You left Chiaki and Hajime so you could sit next to Nagito. He was dressed professionally just as you were, in red button up shirt, a forest green vest, a black tie, black slacks, and black shoes. You stared in awe at him for a bit. You always thought he looked great, but this level of handsome was almost unfair! Anyways, both you and Nagito would handle greeting people and telling them about your activities. Your classroom was going to do a mix of things, mostly because no one could agree on just one theme... There'd be a gaming tournament for cash against Chiaki, a corner where Hanamura would sell food, a small animal petting zoo in the opposite direction of Hanamura, a photo booth, a digital art section, and so on. So many things were happening, but Miss Yukizome made sure to keep it organized, and she really was the best at it.

"Ko-chan! Are you gonna wear a yukata for the fireworks?" You asked.

Nagito nodded a yes,"Are you gonna wear one too (Y/n)?" You replied quickly, "Of course! It'll be so fun to see everyone in a yukata! I bet you'll look really cool Ko!" He chuckled, "If you think so, I'm really happy, but I'm sure you'll look stunning." You blushed, how sweet of him! Did he even know he was sending you into cardiac arrest with his words? You both continued complimenting each other while moving to stand by the door. Guest were starting to arrive, and Fuyuhiko told you both to stop flirting. "I-I'm not flirting! I was just complimenting him..." You said in a fake hurt tone. Nagito chuckled, you could be such a child sometimes, and... for a second he wondered if you really might've been flirting with him. The thought alone made his heart race like a car, you were also trying to calm yourself down as you greeted the first few guests. Then you panicked again...

"I didn't hide the cupcakes!" You gasped. "Huh..?" Nagito flinched and you apologized for startling him. "I-It's nothing- I just forgot to hide the cupcakes... They're for the class, and I don't have enough for the guests... Do you mind me going back to put them up?" Nagito shook his head. "Not at all (Y/n)-chan." He looked into the classroom towards the cupcakes. "They look untouched so far, but you might wanna hurry before someone does mistake them. You can count on me to handle things here!"

"Thank you Ko-chan!" You gave him a quick hug before dashing into the classroom.




Maybe... Just maybe... You shouldn't have rushed in there. You didn't know when it happened, or how it even happened, but you supposed this was how Mikan felt when it happened to her, right?

Upon rushing into the classroom, Mikan was falling onto the floor. You just happened to get caught in the mess when she fell, something you never thought would happen to you. Both of you were tangled up in wires, though you were still separate from each other, barely touching side to side. Your nurse friend, had landed on her bottom, the wires strung around her arms, legs, and just under her chest even, her clothing was completely askew, skirt completely raised to show everything. You were right next to her but facing the floor on your stomach. Elbows scraped against the ground, wires tangled around your wrists, clothing just as messed up as hers and bottom raised in the air as your legs spread fairly far apart.

The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now