chapter 22

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Chapter 22 “Plan”

“Okay then, spit it out,” Akira told Dominique, hoping that this idea of his did not involve falling hundreds of feet towards a building with only a small hope of actually making it alive.

“Well, you said that we need to have an idea of how Steeson is controlling riders before we can proceed,” Dominique began.

“Yes,” Akira narrowed her eyes, wondering what he was getting at.

“That means we need information, and I know someone who may know someone who has that kind of information for us,” Dominique grinned.

“Yeah, and you still haven't told us who this person is,” Will muttered.

“He can only be talking about one person,” Liam spoke up, sounding bored.

Tresus and Kirk nodded in agreement while Savannah and Anita nodded in understanding.

“Okay, just in case you forgot,” Gina began, “We are not from the future and therefore have no idea who in the Lands you could be talking about.”

“His name is Anibal,” Dominique helped out.

“Anibal?” Drake asked.

“How do we know we can trust him?” Seth spoke up, getting right to the safety issue as usual.

“We can't,” Dominique replied calmly making Seth shoot him a look.

“Anibal may be a liar and a thief,” Kirk spoke up, “But he does know who would have the kind of information we need. He might just be able to help us out in this particular situation”

“But if you can’t trust him then how...?” Will began.

“Don't worry about it,” Dominique grinned, “The guy is terrified of me.”

“He won’t be if a dragon chose him in the mean time,” Liam replied, still looking bored.

Dominique frowned, realizing that Liam was right. If Anibal had a dragon by his side then things would be a lot more difficult. “We could buy him out,” he suggested, “he'll sing like a bird if we offer him a few Dracos.”

“We’ll need more than just a few Dracos,” Jeremiah warned, “Probably gold ones to.”

“Dracos?” Gina asked.

“The currency of our time,” Savannah explained.

“There’s no way we have the amount we need to buy someone out,” Isaac spoke up. “Not to mention that once Anibal lets us know where to go next, we'll probably need an even bigger stack to buy the information from the next guy.”

“Isaac's right,” Kirk nodded. “That's a lot of Dracos and face it, none of us have that amount.”

“What about Lindsy?” Savannah asked, “She has a large stack of Dracos available, surely she wouldn't mind lending us a few?”

“No,” Liam shook his head, “We are not going to get her involved by asking her to do that!”

“Liam's right,” Seth murmured, “If anyone found out we would only receive unnecessary attention, not to mention the unnecessary danger Lindsy could be put in. If Dominique's guy really could give us the information we need, then we want to do the whole thing quietly and discreetly, we wouldn't want Steeson finding out.”

“That’s it then,” Tresus shrugged, “We can forget Dominique's idea then. The fact is, we don't have the amount of Dracos we need, and it would take ages to even make that amount!”

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