2 》Sinking Feeling

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I know it doesn't match up ok. The ages and stuff but whatever. Unless you wanted me to kill Estelle off because she was still inside of Sally, this is how it goes. Cool? Good. I didn't want Estelle to die.

On a more positive note, we have our first YJ POV courtesy of Dick Grayson. Whoop, whoop! Anyone else a fan of Robin from season 1?



The call ended and my phone dropped to the floor. I slumped down against the cabin wall in tears. I shook uncontrollably with sobs. I must have been pretty loud because Piper opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind her.

"Annabeth? What's wrong?"

I tried to speak but I just couldn't. I was choking on my words. Piper didn't try to get me to speak, she just sat down beside me and wrapped her arms around me. After about five minutes I had calmed down.

"Can you tell me what's wrong Annabeth?"

"P-p-percy...is stuck...i-in Go-Gotham...with Estelle."

Piper looked confused. "Sooooo?"

"He's st-stuck in Gotham because..."


"His parents...were...k-k...killed in a car crash."

Piper gasped and her hands flew to her mouth and tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

"S-Sally...and Paul. They're...gone."

We sat in stunned silence for a moment.
"Then we need to go," Piper declared with anger and authority I rarely see in her.


"We need to grab everyone, the Seven, Nico, Reyna, Rachel, we're going to get them and we're going to go to Gotham to get Percy and Estelle. You need to be there for Percy, we all do. Then once they can leave we're going to help Percy with the funeral and sort out everything we need to, ok?"

I nodded.

"You need to go to Chiron and tell him we're going to be gone for a little bit. You don't need to explain, just tell him."

"No need," a voice came from the now, open doorway.


"I told Chiron we're going somewhere, didn't say why. I'm going to shadow travel to Camp Jupiter and get the Praetors and my sister. Once I'm back we can leave."

"N-Nico, h-how did you...?" I stuttered.

"Death sense," he croaked.

I nodded.

"Right then," Piper ordered, "we'll get everyone together and wait by Thalia's Pinetree. When we have everyone we'll take a taxi to the train station and take the train to Gotham City."

She looked at us, waiting for us to correct or challenge her. When we didn't she took a shallow breath and left the cabin. Nico dissolved into shadows and I was left alone.

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