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You see a weak spot, guarded by a sharp, strong elbow. All it takes is a single distraction. The elbow moves and you jab the ribs, making Natasha exhale. You're getting better. You'd always been good, but now you were better.

You go again and come at each other. Natasha gets the better hand this time and you fall to the ground, pushed by her. The air leaves your lungs as your diaphragm hits the ground.

"Again?" she asks, helping you up.

You're sure you're going to have bruises soon. "Sure."

Your eyes wander to the new body in the room. Clint has come to watch the two of you spar, not that he'd ever tell you that. He walks over to the punching bag, that's usually claimed by Steve, and puts on gloves. The Velcro protests as he rips it apart to get his hand in. He smoothes it over and you watch the bands of muscle move on his arm. You purposely get a drink to watch him hit the bag. He was a fine specimen.

"Again?" Natasha asks again.


You get your hands up and immediately she comes at you. You dodge, ducking. Her fist misses you by a fraction of an inch and just missed your hair. You get her twice around the stomach and watch as she takes a single step back. You know what to do from there.

Three punches later and a kick, and you're feeling on fire. You're winning this round and it's instilled a certain amount of confidence in you. You smirk, a trait learned from Tony. You swipe Natasha's legs out from under her, but barely. She falls to the ground in near slow motion. You feel victorious, but it doesn't last long. You soon feel nervous as you catch Clint watching you spar. Your body hits the ground.

"Never turn your back on an opponent," Natasha says, helping you up.

Clint chuckles and you eye him, ending up in giggles too.

You get out of the ring before Natasha can ask you for another round. "Would you like a go?" you ask Clint who grins at you.

"Sure," he says. He gets into the ring and Natasha doesn't hold back. Within seconds, she's pinned him to the ground and is wearing a smirk on her face.

"Someone's rusty," she says.

Clint chuckles and gets up. "Maybe against you. (Y/N), wanna have a go?"

You get into the ring as Natasha gets out. Then you begin.

It's a slow circle before the pace picks up. At first he takes light jabs, not wanting to hurt you. You hit his with full force anyways. He's a man. He can handle it.

You get his diaphragm and you're surprised at just how fast he recovers from the winding, only to push you back.

You laugh as you lunge at him. It's a flurry of arms and legs as you spar. You secretly hope he'll win and pin you down and kiss you. He secretly wishes he can do that too.

You drop your attack and defence and your hope becomes a reality as your feet lose touch with the ground and you find your view being the ceiling. You kick his legs out and he falls straight on top of you, his arms catching him at the last second. He stares into your eyes and you lose your ability to breathe and think straight. He's everywhere you can see and everywhere you can feel and the only thing you can smell is him.
He leans down, his lips tantalisingly close. You bridge the gap and your lips touch his. Yum.

You flip the both of you over and straddle him. There's nothing better than power over the powerful.

He tries to flip you back but you keep him in place. He grins. "Again?"

Um... Idk what to think of this chapter?? Comments are appreciated!! :)

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