You would think at 6:40 in the morning Denise wouldn't be so chipper but the latest sex-capade had her mouth tingling to tell. Kiara and Staci ready to listen the way she bounced and giggled. "Okay girl spill the deats." Staci said. Denise was too eager.Devin always slept on the bus in the mornings and Denise thought he was so cute. As they listened intentelly. "Girl he made me say something I'VE NEVER SAID BEFORE" leaving a dramatic pause. "What girl damn" Kiara said "Get on with it we don't need a dramatic pause!" "This is my story so listen ...okay so Devin came over yesterday right!" "Right" they both said. "When I say we didn't make it past the living room OH LORD forgive my sin. We had sex right in the living room on the floor. He had me pinned to the floor and was just gettin it" "oooh this getting good" Staci said eyes wide. "I'm not even at the crazy part ! Devin had changed positions and my calf was like over his know what I mean?" "We'll I'm a lesbian we don't need all these positions" Kiara said Staci nodded like her virgin ass knew, so Denise continued. "He pushed in deep and I was moaning like crazy and all that good stuff bitch guess what he said to me !! Do I want his babies! I almost passed out right there but thats not the crazy part " "what is it?" Kiara questioned. "All i could say was yes. Like i actually said yes! All I could say was yes over and over.The D MUST BE BOMB! I didn't even say yes to Tyden when he asked me almost three years ago and he was actually my man. I think this boy doin something to me. What if I'm in love?Strong lust? I go to get my birth control shot more than I go to church." "That's ....That's bad don't tell nobody else that."Staci said laughing. "Yea Dee lets keep that between us and The Lord ." Kiara chimed in.
Friends with Benefits
Teen FictionDevin and Denise are juniors in Highschool and quickly become friends with benefits. Their dynamic was all fine until Denise catches feelings. Everyone thinks their lust is pure toxic especially Kiara and Staci who have become her confidants but Den...