Chapter 11: She Always Wins

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It had been a month since that night. They had toured countless houses in the last month. But once they saw them they didn't like them like they thought they did.

Micah called them one Saturday morning. "Hey..I have house. It just went on the market yesterday. It has never been lived in cause it was just built for a couple that ended up moving out of state." Micah said

"Its worth a shot baby.." Bucky said as he looked at Bailey.

"I guess so. I will go get ready." She said

"Text me the address Micah.." Bucky said as he hung up.

They both got ready for the day then took off on the bike. Sunny days were her favorite she loved riding the bike. They pulled up in front of the house.

It was in the country side of Georgetown. It was quiet no many neighbors around. Micah pulled in behind them.

"What do you think about it so far?" Micah said as he got out.

"I love it..its so pretty. And look Buck two car garages!" She exclaimed.

"Baby calm..please. This is what happens each time we get excited then we are disappointed when we go inside.." he said

Micah lead the way up to the front porch. Bucky could see Bailey's wheels just turning inside her head. She was trying to contain her excitement.

Once they were inside you could smell the fresh paint smell. Micah showed them all over the house. As she was walking around alone so Bucky could talk financials with his brother. Bailey was decorating in her mind.

Bucky looked at his brother in law. "What are we talking here?" Bucky said concerned that he may not be able to afford this house.

"300,678" Micah said

Bucky buried his face in his hands. "Baby come on.." he said

"James.." Micah said

"I cant..its beautiful and perfect. But I cant do that asking price and our house loan we were approved for 200 thousand Micah.." Bucky said just as Bailey stepped off the bottom stair.

"Buck..I have money. Please let me help..stop thinking as I and start thinking about we. Its not just about you or I its about us. You and me together baby please. I want this house its us. Its everything I want for us.." she said

"Baby..I am thinking about us. This house is 300 thousand dollars. Thats over our budget baby I love this house too but its my job to do this not yours.." he said

She looked at him with glazed over eyes. "Baby please dont.." he said

She made her pouty face at him. "Please?" She said in the almost a whimper.

He sighed as he shook his head. "I hate you.." he said as he walked back to the kitchen with her all smiles behind him.

They signed all the paperwork for it. And on Monday morning they went to Micah's office where Bailey paid the difference. They got out in his truck she kissed him all over his face.

"I still hate you for doing that to me..but I still love you. Cant wait to move.." he said

"We arent moving any of your furniture over there..we are getting all knew furniture. We have to paint..and decorate. Im so excited!!!" She exclaimed as he slammed on the brakes.

"Baby slow your roll and breathe.." he said

She looked at him he kissed her. "I love you.." he said

"I love you too.." she said

That weekend while she had the boys painting the house. Bailey and the girls headed to Hobby Lobby Bed Bath and Beyond in Myrtle Beach. When they got back into town they helped her picked out furniture.

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