They left her dad's house they stopped at the Harley shop. "Buck? What are we doing here?" She said
"Baby I am not putting you on my bike without making sure you are properly dressed." He said as they got out of the truck.
She swallowed hard. "I rode your dirt bike with you all the time. And you let me ride with you on your street bike.." she said but he cut her off with his finger to her lip.
"Baby doll..that was different. And I probably shouldn't have done that without proper gear for you either." He said as he took her hand.
He found her a bike helmet with pink roses on it. He found her a pair of biker boots and jacket. He bought them for her then he took her to the local Walmart. She picked out a pair of jeans and a camo tank top.
They headed back to his apartment. She got changed into her outfit. She braided her blonde hair back into french braids.
She came out side to find him checking the air in his tires. "Bucky?" She said
"Yeah darlin.." he said without looking at her.
"Bucky!." She said
"What.." he said then went wide eyed.
She smiled at him. "You look good.." he said
"Help.." she said as she held up the helmet.
He wiped his hands then put her sunglasses on her. He pulled the helmet over her head. "Now you look sexy.." he said with a wicked grin.
He put his helmet on then sat on his bike. She climbed on behind him. "Do not let go of me.." he said
"Got it.." she said
"Lets Ride baby" he said
*Vroom Vroom*
He took the bike off the stand and they took off. She wrapped her arms around him.Bucky took all the backroads as they felt the hot sun barreling down on them. But all they both could think about was everyone else planning the funeral.
They entered the town that was thirty minutes from Georgetown. They stopped and had lunch at the local dinner. They had some burgers and fries they shared a chocolate milkshake.
They got back on the road. As they were about to turn back towards Georgetown. It started to sprinkle Bucky pulled over he lifted his helmet to google a place for them to stay till the rain passed.
She giggled behind him. "Whats so funny?" He said as he read the map.
"You are use to that with helmets aren't you.." she said
He looked at her. "It is quite familar darlin.." he said as he put it back down.
They took off again fifteen miles down the road was Beaufort Bed and Breakfast. The rain had started to pick up some as they pulled into the driveway.
They walked into the inn the receptionist gave them a room. They went upstairs he texted his mom to let them all know where they were.
She came out of the bathroom since she had to pee. He pulled her into his lap.
"That was fun.." she said with a smile.
He smirked as he shook his head. "What?" She said
" aren't afraid of anything." He said
"Yes I biggest fear is a world without you or my brother..and now..part of that fear has come true." She said with tears in her eyes.
"Baby..tonight let's not talk about that. We can go back to reality later.." he said
"Well then.." she said but he cut her off.
"Lets talk about your ass moving back home." He said
She rolled her eyes.
"You need to come home. And if you dont want to live at home. I have a bedroom for you or you can sleep next to me. You can work with the girls.." he said
"Buck.." she said
"Baby I know why you left. What happened with Pietro is long gone baby its been ten years. You can't help that you didn't feel the same way. He had no right to get mad at you like he did." He said
She looked down.
"I dont blame you. Besides the girls came back cause of the guys. You had no reason to come back.." he said
She let out a laugh. "You and Bradley both acted like you couldnt function when you came back home from the army." She said
"Hey..dont you be mad at me.." he said
"I guess I could come back. I have to see if I could transfer. Daniella may need me. I know dad doesnt need me he has you boys." She said
"And I need please think about it baby.." he said
"I'll think about" she said
"No..I am no city boy baby.." he said
She made a pouty face at him. He pushed her bottom lip back in. "No..this is the one time it wont work." He said as he made her get up.
"Buck.." she said
"Yeah.." he said
"Join me in that tub over there." She said
He smiled at her. "Of course darlin.." he said
They ran the bath water and got in. She sat in between his legs they both let out deep breathes. They just sat there in the silence.
Meanwhile back in Georgetown their friends were sitting in the bar. It was Natasha's family bar as they were sitting there.
A song came on Sam looked up at the speakers. Rhodes looked at him as they all started to hear the song. It was I'll Be Missing You." By Diddy.
Rhodes started to sing the second verse. Sam texted Bucky's phone "Got an me."
Bucky and Bailey were drying off. He read the text and called him.
"Hey man..whats up?" He said
"Put me on speaker.." Sam said as they were all in his living room.
"Your on.." he said as Bailey pulled the t shirt on he had on earlier.
"Im going to play a song..we just heard it at the bar. I think I know of a way to honor our boy.." Sam said as he nodded to Rhodes.
He hit play on his phone. Sam did the first verse of the song. Bailey was sitting in Bucky's lap. She started to sing the chorus then Bucky joined her.
Rhodes started the second verse. They both smiled with tears as they all started to sing together again. Then the girls had their time to shine. Bucky wiped her tears as they continued to sing.
When the song was over Bucky wiped tears. "You want to get the band back together.." Bucky said
"Yes.." Sam said
"Have all family and friends at the barn for one night only." Steve said
"One problem..Bradley was the second guitar." Valerie said
"Its not a problem Val..we have another Barnett..she knows how to play." Bucky said
She smiled at him.
"Okay we will see you later.." Sam said
"See you later.." he said and hung up.
They laid down and went to sleep. They woke up early and headed home.

She's My Kind Of Crazy
Romance[Formerly My Kind Of Crazy] What happens when two best friends have to come together for one another after losing someone that was very close to them. But when a kiss sparks a flame that they didn't know was there it makes for one hot romance. But...