S2) Stallions vs Timberwolves

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It's a good day the TVDU cause this cute cinnamon roll is back and I'm HERE FOR IT ❤️. The way he hugged Landon and how he's still attracted to Hope (killing my theory btw) and how Hope was like "Raf's my responsibility" and "I need you, Landon need you" and "I would have never like anything happen to you" and Rafael saying "Who was that girl?" 😩😫❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Julie is just fuelling the Hafael Fandom and also this........

 The way he hugged Landon and how he's still attracted to Hope (killing my theory btw) and how Hope was like "Raf's my responsibility" and "I need you, Landon need you" and "I would have never like anything happen to you"  and Rafael saying "Who w...

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.......Hope wearing his shirt is giving me life.👏🏾🥴❤️
Okay gonna just leave that here....on with the story...


"......and that makes three," I said to myself as i stood from a distance and watched Rafael eat his rabbit for the morning.

With school back in full swing, Raf stays even further in the woods and it's good because he's away from the vampire students but it bad because coming out here to find him is a struggle, even with a locator spell.

I watch him for another minute, and check my phone to see that it's almost time for morning assembly. With one final look as he begins to walk off into the woods, I turn and make my way back into the school.

The silence of the morning was comfortable until I walked into the school hall and was met with loud chatter and a basket overflowing of emotions. As I walked in I heard some of the vamps talking about some football game that is today, and how they hated it watch it.

"Come on Kaeden, just feel the aster," I muttered to myself as I began to look for a seat,

"Over here," I heard a familiar voice say, I turned to my left and see Landon with an empty seat beside him,

I smile and take the seat. As I look around I see Mg and Kaleb on the other side of the hall, Jed and some of the pack further towards the back and Josie and sitting down a few seats from us.

"Where's Lizzie?" I ask Landon as I look for the blonde,

"Josie said she's skipping assembly," Landon says to me,

"How is he?" Landon asks me softly, giving off a small hint of sadness,

"He's fine Landon trust me," I say as I put my hand on his shoulder, "don't blame yourself,"

"Yea but still, I'm partly the reason he's so far in the woods," Landon says while running his hair through his curls,

"Well he won't be out there for too long, that last book about the crescent moon pack is bound to help us out, so have a little hope and try not to stress," I say to him as Headmaster Vardemus walks up to the podium holding a football, with his fingers.

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