I do not own pic!
You have finished preparing your things to leave, just as you exited the room, you noticed the two guys you're going on a mission with coming towards you.
"Hey! You're already prepared", Hidan said with a smirk as he and Kakuzu neared you, you just closed the door and locked it, then started heading outside with them.
"What is this mission about?", you asked as the three of you started walking outside."Tell her Kakuzu", Hidan said with a smirk giving his partner a side look as the other one remained calm, he seems...weird.
"Alright then, I will tell you bitc- I mean [name], the freaking leader wants some secret hidden scrolls as well as some other papers, the kind of treaty or something like that, I don't know exactly what they are about", he said, apparently feeling annoyed to have to remember all these details.
"And what will he do with them?", you asked looking at Kakuzu then at Hidan.
"Use them for his favor, or destroy them", Kakuzu said in his deep voice, knowing his partner doesn't have a clue what he is doing, all he cares about is blood.
"And where are we gonna find these things?", you asked more, trying to have more information about this mission.
"It's not too far actually, one day at the most and we are done, the temple we are looking for shouldn't be so far", Kakuzu answered your question as you three kept walking. You remained silent thinking about this, you only have to spend one night with these two, you know you can protect yourself, but still...is that all for this mission? really?
"[Name], you should know, Kakuzu is also an immortal", Hidan pointed out with a grin looking at his partner as you gasped slightly, so you're going on a mission with two zombie-like humans? How is that even possible?
"I don't get it how you two are...immortals? How did you become like this?", you asked curiously as Kakuzu didn't seem to care answering this question, while Hidan seemed excited for it.
"You can follow the way of Jashin and you will become immortal! As for the old man...he stole some technique from his village and used it to gain more hearts and so he gets more lives, it's something like a cat with several lives", Hidan said snickering, earning himself a death glare from Kakuzu who just continued walking calmly mumbling something under his breath you couldn't hear.
"And what's about this Jashin thing?", you asked feeling more curious, especially that you think Kakuzu was insulting this Jashin thing while mumbling.
"Oh believe me, life doesn't have a meaning until you follow this way, you have an eternal life to spend in making sacrifices for lord Jashin!", Hidan said with a proud look on his face as you heard Kakuzu hum in annoyance.
"Sacrifices? Like what?", you asked narrowing your eyes suspiciously.
"You will see [name], this mission is a perfect opportunity to make sacrifices, what could it better than a priest sacrifice? Hahaha!!", Hidan said with a weird laugh as he swirled his giant scythe in the air, making you feel more uncomfortable, what does he mean by this? Sacrifice...people? Killing them?!"Enough talking Hidan, and focus on the way, there might be rogue Ninjas following us", Kakuzu said looking around suspiciously.
"No one is following us", you answered, you couldn't sense anyone's presence close to you.
"You can sense chakra?", Kakuzu asked raising an eyebrow, you soon regretted what you have said, once the leader finds out more about your skills, of course he will make you do other tasks than just healing.
You didn't answer him as you just kept walking ahead, hoping nothing bad happens until you're back to the hideout, and see Itachi again.After hours of walking and jumping on the trees of the forest to gain time, the temple you have been looking for finally appeared, a distance away from you on a high hill, surrounded by a beautiful garden of cherry trees as well as flowers and streams of water running around.
It was night, a perfect time for you to rest, but also, a perfect time to accomplish the mission.
"Now then...", Hidan said as he walked with Kakuzu under the full moon's light, a gentle breeze has blown while you followed after them, never letting your guard down.
The three of you climbed the stony long staircase that leads to the entrance of the temple, a strange feeling was sneaking into your heart sending a shiver down your spine, you know this feeling...something bad is about to happen...

The Price Of Loving Him... (Itachi x reader)
FanfictionEverything was normal, until you met him. [Name] [last name], an innocent young girl who has been raised in a quite and distant little small village, who has been raised by a kind old lady, who had thought all she knows about medical care and knowle...