Soruy Oneshot and Q&A

Start from the beginning

"What does the title Assassins at Dusk really mean?"

Two major reasons for the title. The Assassins part is obvious, pointing to Sophie's history and current life as an Assassin. But the Dusk part is quite interesting. First off, Dusk is my favorite time of day (right next to early morning, yes, I am a morning person), because everything is starting to settle down for the day, and it is not too hot or too cold, just in between. And second, I felt like Dusk represented the change and arc I wanted Sophie to go through. She has a transition from this light happy, but naive, side. But then she learns about her past and learns how the elves betrayed her and her people, and she enters a dark zone of not knowing what to do with herself. A rift between going back to the elves or returning to Inalia. But after she leaves that dark spot, she turns to a gray zone when it comes to morals and opinions of the elves and herself. The gray zone is kind of like the dusky time during the time, so that is why I added it.

Btw- In AAD, I try to stay accurate to culture and clothing that was used during the times and locations the Vatarians stories are based around. And in Renaissance Italy, the use of corsets was beginning to become popular. That is why they are represented in my story, besides that, I only see them as fashionable accessories. I do not support corset usage in an attempt to mold body shape or lose weight, all bodies are beautiful and breathtaking in every shape they come in. Along with other ideas in AAD that seems a little outdated, it is just for accuracy and aesthetic reasons 

Now, Character Q & A!

"What would you do with 1 million dollars?" 

Sophie-" Donating most of it to the rebuilding of Inalia of course! Maybe take some for some books and maybe a new saddle for Ricin though?"

Ruy-"New training equipment! And maybe a human guitar? I have been getting obsessed with human music ever since Soph got me an iPod."

Alexios-" Spending it spoiling the ladies-" 

Sophie- "You would spend it on more of your astrology books." 

Alexios-" Lia!"

Mansi- "Spending it helping Maria with her boutique! Fashion isn't free!"

Nour- "Invest it into the Egyptinat Assassin's branch, maybe some new weaponry?"

Mansi- "Psh, and more of those collectible figurines?" 

Nour-" STAHP-"

Maha- "I would buy more toys and clothes for the guild's nursery and daycare. Some of our assassins are parents, and while they are out there saving the day they should know their children are happy, healthy, and well taken care of!" 

"What's the dumbest way you have been injured?"

Sophie-" I was somewhat, kinda, really drunk a couple of months ago, and I wanted to slide in this puddle and see how far I could go. I slid for maybe two feet and then tripped on a pebble and landed in the town's square historical fountain. I dislocated my shoulder and bit through my lip, but Alexios got it on tape, so I think it was worth it. But I don't normally get drunk! It was a one-time thing! It was just every time Maria gushed about me, Alexios, Nour, or Ruy getting married we had to take a shot."

Ruy- "When I was a kid everyone was convinced being a psonipath was a useless ability, and I wanted to prove them wrong. I started to make a bunch of shields around them, impressing most of them. But then someone who standing next to me was a tad bit too close, so when I put a shield around him I hit my own shield. I flew back at least 15 feet and landed on my shoulder, opening a horrible gash. I lost all my cool factor after that."

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