I'm almost grateful when there's a clearing in the trees, giving way to a small house perched in the middle. My ankle burns, and even though I clench my jaw every time I have to use that foot, the two brothers are starting to notice my limp. But Brandon sweeps his hand out to the valley when we arrive, giving a timid smile. "This is it."
I slip the guns out of my waistband, and he pales. Stuttering, he says "You know what? I'd better let Dad and Mom know you're here." And with that, he runs off ahead, leaving me at the edge of the forest with a very anxious Jason.
I check that the guns are loaded while he shifts his weight uncomfortably next to me. There are a few moments of awkward silence before he finally speaks. "Do you even know what kind of guns those are?"
"Glock 17's." I flip one between my fingers, avoiding the trigger with practiced ease. Jason flinches, and I smirk. "Why?"
"Just checking."
"For what?"
"That you know what you're talking about."
I roll my eyes. "I spent 16 years of my life in a maximum-security isolation facility specially designed to contain superhumans. You don't think we learned about fighting maneuvers and weapons?"
"Then what about the knife?"
I raise an eyebrow and glance over at him. "Do you know what kind of knife it is?"
He doesn't, and I know that, but I answer anyway. "It's a Homefront tactical blade. Probably about 4 ounces. Super light and durable."
"You know your stuff."
"Undeniable." I draw out the second gun and resume position. I scan the building in the area where I last saw Brandon enter, but it's utterly silent. I shift from foot to foot. Silence makes me nervous.
After what seems like years, Brandon reappears near the corner of the house, walking back towards us. A few paces behind him is an older man with brown hair and muddy blue pants. He pauses briefly when he sees me, but with a prompt from Brandon that I can't hear, he continues.
"This is my dad," Brandon introduces once he gets closer. I look his father in the eye. Even though we're both about the same height, he appears heavier than me, and I wonder if I could take him down if the occasion rose. I decide I could.
He sticks out his hand towards me and I step back, staring at the odd gesture. He bobs it up and down for a moment before pressing it back against his side. There's an air of discomfort, though I can't imagine why.
He clears his throat. "My name's David. Brandon told me they rescued you from the Dynagenesis property?"
"I'd hardly call it a rescue." I readjust my grip on the guns, making sure David sees the motion. He glances down and swallows nervously. I just have that effect on people, I suppose.
"Anyway," he continues. "You're welcome to stay here for the time being, get yourself fixed up. Janice was just finishing dinner."
I blink at his gratitude. "I would appreciate that." The words sound dull, but I'm still suspicious of David. After a few tense moments, he motions the three of us towards the house. We follow behind him, the boys keeping close to their father and far away from me. I'm confused by the relationship here, but I'm confused by practically everything this mysterious world outside the facility has to offer.
David, the father, swings the door open for me, motioning me inside. I let Brandon and Jason enter first before stepping over the threshold. I can't help but gaze around in awe. It's magnificently mind-bending; dozens of contraptions and electronics, the likes of which I've never seen. I twirl around momentarily, forgetting that this David man might be a threat. Replacing the white cement walls were polished wood adorned with various skulls and frozen snapshots of the family. A section of the wall is pushed back near the floor on the opposite side of the room with barren logs resting on the floor. Surrounding that are multiple pieces of puffy furniture resembling enlarged chairs, decorated with multiple colors that remind me of the forest outside. A warm glow is cast from a light that hangs from the ceiling, making the space feel comfortable and inviting.

Science FictionWhen we took the 'human' out of 'superhuman,' we made them something worse. . . Paige is one of 20 superpowered mutants being held in a Dynagenesis facility, kept secret from the public and the government. They've never seen the sun or the ocean or...