Chapter 6

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"As you wander along the path, a wild Bugbear jumps out of the bushes, Caleb roll." Noah sighed.

"Okay," Caleb sighed. Noah hadn't been himself, and it was showing. He was usually the most enthusiastic about D&D sessions, but today, he was completely out of character.

"Noah, are you sure you're oka-"

"Have you rolled?!" Noah snapped, slumping down into his chair, getting lower and lower behind his DM screen, resting his head on his hands.

"Right. Fireball, seventeen plus 4, twenty one."

"The bugbear roars in agony. It falls to the ground."

"Hooray?" Gaten said with a hint of sarcasm.

After they finished up, Noah quickly left the D&D cafe, while Caleb and Gaten went to talk to Finn.

"I'm not going insane, right? What the hell is wrong with Noah?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah," Gaten agreed, "he's acting really weird. What's up with him?"

Finn looked between the two of them, "What do you guys think?"

Caleb and Gaten looked at each other, before speaking in sync, "Millie."

"What did she do?" Gaten asked Finn, "Did Noah ask her out?"

"Well, not exactly..." Finn hesitated, not sure if he should spill, "Don't tell anyone," He lowered his voice, "but Millie started dating this guy, right before Noah was about to shoot his shot."

"Oh shit." Gaten murmured, "So how can we help him? Talking won't work..." He thought to himself for a moment, "What if, Millie and that guy weren't dating?"

"No, no! I am not helping you two break up another relationship! Not after last time, that was a disaster."

"But Priah wasn't that mad!" Caleb objected, "She got over it... Eventually."

"No, that's not what Noah needs," Finn stated, "because last week, Millie texted me, to ask me to check up on him, apparently he had a melt down or something. Anyways, when I went over, he wouldn't answer the door, so I looked through the keyhole, and he was laying on the sofa, passed out with a couple of beers. If Millie was upset over a breakup, so would he. He needs to either talk to Millie about it, or get over it himself. We can't do anything."

"A couple of beers?" Caleb chuckled, but Finn nudged his friends shoulder.

"Nah, it's not funny. Noah's seriously suffering over this. We have to give him time to get over it."


"Oh God, Sadie, I'm a horrible friend."

"Relax, it's just Noah, he'll get over it, it's probably just another minor crush or something." Sadie said to a pacing Millie.

Millie walked from one end of the room to another, "Just Noah, just a minor crush? Sadie, he broke down in front of me, and shut me out!"

"Ok, maybe he did," Sadie paused, "act out of character, but still, he'll get over it."

"I don't know..." Millie sighed, "Should I talk to him?"

"It's up to you." Sadie said halfheartedly.

Millie sighed, sitting down beside her, "Picture what's happening, but you and Finn."

Never Surrender - Noah and Millie | NillieWhere stories live. Discover now