Chapter 1

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The sun beamed down on the forest and its wild trees and creatures. Birds chirruped serenely in the late spring light and rabbits lazily chased each other around the trees' bases, lopping after each other in play, fluffy tails and ears waggling at they went. A benign snake sunnied itself on a stone, soaking up the rays of the glorious sun that poked through a gap in the cavernous canopy of leafy oaks and beach trees. Above this, Merlin waited, his raven hair brushing his forehead in the slight rustleing breeze, and his skin almost glowing in it's palesness even in the shadow which hightlighted his sharkp cheekbones.

The young warlock lay along a strong branch of one of the trees, silent and watching with crystal blue eyes. In an adjasent tree perched Gwaine, silent for once. Below, tucked behind a broad tree trunk croached Lancelot. The trio paused in antipcation, a well oiled machine, that had done this before.

Then, faintly, in the distance, he heard the sound he was waiting for. The rattling of a carrage, carrying passangers, and the soft clop of the horses hooves on the ground as they pulled it down the forest track. He cupped his hand over his mouth and made the sound of a grouse, and was pleased almost immediately to hear the call of a wood pigeon. As the carrage hove into view, he muttered a spell under his breath and his eyes glowed brilintly in the dark shadow of the canopy. Below him, the wheel cracked and the wheel ring broke. The carrage came to a stop with an alarmed huff from the twin bay hourses whom pulled it thus far.

"What have you done! Foolish man!" came a shreiking voice from within the the wagon and the driver got down t inspect the damage. He doffed his cap as he approached the two lords wo sat in the hansom.

"Blimey govn'urs, the wheels done broke of it's own" There was duo of impatient sighs from within the dark confinds of the coach, until a bearded face appeared at the window, moustache styled into twin peaks rakishly.

"Well then fix it you embasile! I should have you flogged!" The man - the respectable Sir Knoxley - screamed at him with spit flying from his mouth and the driver replied

"Right-o govn'ur" He turned and glanced up into the trees - that was Merlin's que to act. He sprung down from the tree and landed sprightly in front of the carrage. Gwaine and Lancelot emerged as well, and the driver took off his hat and revealved himself to be Will: Merlin's best friend.

"Halt!" cried Gwaine as he lept from the tree branishing a sword, which he cut through the air with a slice. The travelling party froze in stoney silence. From above, Merlin slid down a slippery vine and landed squar on top of the carriage with a bang, leaping from the roof to the ground with vigor. He swung open the engraved carriage door and bowed low in mock revernance.

"My good lords, if you would be to kind so leave your seats hackney." He said, glancing up from his low bow with a smirk that belayed the respectful words he said. The two men in the cart, Bors and Knoxly, looked appalled. Bors pulled a sword from some hidden place.

"We'll not leave our carriage, peasant," he spat, kicking at Merlin, trying to push him onto the dirt.

"I'm afraid that's not your decions to make" Came Gwaine from the outside opposite Merlin. He pointed his sword through the open door, aimed at the chiffon thin skin of the noble men's throuats. One of the - Knoxley - swallowed nervaciously, the tip of the sword hovering over his adams apple. Without a nother word the man clambered from their luxous abode and followed quickly by Bors, who gave up his swords to Merlin with no resistnace after seeing the sorcerer's steeling glare. Merlin pulled a scroll from his robe sleeve, as Lanelot encoarged the two men to kneel.

"My lords Bors and Knoxley, you stand accused of crimes against Humanity. How plead you?" demanded Merloin imperiously with a glint in his eye.

The pair let out a collective scoff.

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