chapter 23

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Christine and Derek walked into the office...well Derek walked in carrying Christine who was protesting quite loudly the whole way up gaining a whole lot of attention in the process.

"Give it a rest" Derek said not at all bothered by her death threats as he walked over to Bella's desk and sat her down ignoring the questioning looks that they were receiving. 

"What happened?!" the pharaoh exclaimed seeing Christine's bandaged leg.

Christine groaned a little having forgotten that she was still wearing the clothes from the night before. wait, what was he doing there? Confusion set in.

" a very dark ally with some guys...and a pipe" Derek said smoothly but made it sound like it he was just recounting an event from the night before. 

"Derek helped me out and took me to the hospital" Christine added going along with the lie. 

"what happened to the guys?" Emily asked with a worried look on her face. 

"they ran off when they saw Derek" Christine replied.

"he isn't that scary" Reid said looking over at Derek. 

"you know what Reid" Derek started to say. 

"he is when he has a gun in his hand" Christine said with a scowl. "but the whole effect was kinda ruined since he was only half dressed" she added with a smirk making his stutter out a defending response. 

"Hey! It only made it better...I unlike pretty boy over here work out everyday" Derek said. Christine scoffed. 

"The fact that you have to defend your self in amusing" Christine smirked. 

"The fact that you only brought that up to make your husband who apparently has amnesia jealous is amusing" Derek shot back. 

Christine stared at him owlishly and reddened a little before throwing a pen at him and turned away crossing her arms with a huff, seeing the look on the pharaohs face which clearly meant he hadn't really been listening, made her sulk a little more, but she smirked seeing the furious look of Tea's face. 

"I can't believe this" Tea grumbled. 

"so...who was attacked...what happened?" Christine asked looking at the group seeing that everyone was there as she finally remembered what she had been told as she was. Leaving the hospital.

The pharaoh then flinched as he adopted a frightened look.

"Some guy came and challenged the pharaoh" Joey said stepping forward seeing that the pharaoh wasnt going to say anything. 

Christine looked over at the pharaoh. "but he is still" she trailed off and then flinched. "you..." she started to say. 

"It wasnt me that dueled him" The pharaoh replied with a sigh. Christine let out a breath of relief. 

"Then who was it?" JJ asked looking at him puzzled. 

The gang looked at each other. Christine could tell that they were reluctant to tell her. Dread filled her. Why were they not saying it? 

"Who was it?" she asked forcing her self to stand. 

"Stay down" The pharaoh and Derek said automatically. 

"who was it!" Christine snapped as she took a step towards them. 

"Christine...we are going to get him back" The pharaoh said trying to calm her down. 

"TELL ME WHO IT WHAT ATEM!" Christine snapped with a growl. The pharaoh stared at her with a shocked look as a distant look appeared on his face. 

" that...his name?" Tristan asked. Christine fell to the floor crying out in pain and a burning sensation shot down her back. She gasped out. 

"Christine!" the BAU team exclaimed as they stepped forward. 

"what's happening?" Hotch asked looking to the visitors. 

"Christine!" The pharaoh gasped out and knelt down beside her wrapping an arm around her in a comforting way. "I'm so sorry" he said quietly with a pained look on his face. Christine fought back the pain and looked up at him. 

"Who was it?" she asked as her voice cracked a little. 

"it...was your was Bakura" The pharaoh replied. Horror shot through her and tears filled her eyes. 

"k-kura" Christine stammered out with a gasp. "no!" she shook her head. "he...that cant....he wasn't here" Christine said in denial as she stared at him in denial. It wasnt true! It couldnt be true! Not him!

"He arrived just when that guy challenged the pharaoh." Joey explained softly.

"yeah he said that if he wanted to challenge the pharaoh then he would have to go through him first" Tristan explained watching as Christine continued shaking her head. 

" him" Christine whimpered as tears fell from her eyes. 

The team shared looks with each other quietly asking if they knew about this Bakura person, but non of them had any idea.

"'s ok...Bakura has lost his soul before...we always get it back" Joey said trying to cheer her up only to be hit by Tristan, because Christine started crying even harder when she heard that, as she thought back to the tournament when she had found Bakura soulless on the dueling platform.

"Im surprised he even has a soul" Tea grumbled. the pharaoh sent Tea a glare. That was insensitive!

Christine looked up. "what...what about his counter part?" She asked hesitantly. 

"he is at the house. resting" Atem replied while glaring at his friends. 

"um...who?" Reid asked looking confused. 

"long story" Tristan replied. "his name is Ryou" he added. 

Christine looked up at the pharaoh and then over at the team. 

"we understand if you need to take time off" Hotch said. "you are...emotionally compromised." he added. 

Christine's expression hardened as she glare down at the ground. "Legally i will pull away...i know your rules....but i am not stopping this...not until i get my brother and Bella back" she said as she got up with Atem's help. 

"We....I will be right there with you" He replied and looked to his friends. 

"hell yeah! same here!" Joey and Tristan said looking excited. 

Christine looked over to Derek and started to say something, but he cut her off. 

"if we find out will be the first to know" Derek replied and looked over at where the Directors office was at and saw him watching them. Christine looked over at the director. 

"I'm going to get her back." she said confidently. 

"I know" The director replied with a nod of the head and watched her as she walked out with the visitors. 

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