"Kyle Shay! You get your disobedient ass down stairs this very instant"
That's how I woke up this morning. I rolled out of bed and crinkled my way out of my bedroom, my diaper was sagging almost as bad as the leading brand does in any diaper commercial.
"Morning mom" I told my mom, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs.
Her furious look and the fact that she was doing her best to break a wooden spoon across her knee told me she might be a bit hot tempered this morning.
"What did I do?" I asked her knowing that she would keep at it until I did.
"Don't you sass me little mister. You know what you did, and look at the diaper, it's sagging so low it's indecent, too bad those jean diapers don't come in your size or you could look just like the hoodlums at the mall. Is that what you want Kyle?"
"No" I told her while I struggled to pull my wet diaper up, it was a losing battle and each time I pulled it up, it just sagged back down again under its own weight. "Can you change me?" I asked realizing the futility of my situation.
"Oh sweetie all you have to do is ask" Mom cooed at me seemingly happy
I followed her into the living room where she had me lay in the floor. She hummed as she changed me, I am not used to Mom humming. She sounded a lot more like an electric fence than Snow White, let me tell you.
"You seem to be in a better mood" I said after a moment of reflection.
"So I am! Just look at my big boy in his nice dry diaper." She tickled my stomache
"Let's go have breakfast sweetie" She said taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen.
Emily was there, she didn't even seem bothered by the fact that she was wearing only a thong and a camisole at the breakfast table. I sat at my spot and picked up the five dollar bill that had been thoughtfully set beside my plate.
I waved it at Emily knowing that no one would get their breakfast until we had finished our morning routine.
With only a small sigh Emily got up from her seat and shimmied over to mine. She pulled at the waist to her gold lamme thong and I slipped the five dollars in. She let the waistband go with a small snap. Mom hit play on her phone and Warrents Cherry Pie started blaring out of the sound dock.
"Whatever" Emily said as she swung her hips a bit and rolled her head on her shoulders tossing her hair. "Hands!" She yelled.
"Now Kyle you know the new rules, you sit on your hands like a good boy, it's good practice to be gentlemanly even with your sister" Dad told me, he was always trying to keep the peace.
No sooner had I slid my hands under my diapered butt than Emily had really begun to gyrate. This particular therapy had been going on for a few weeks now, since the thong dances alone hadn't seemed to help with my wetting. The nice man from the Internet assured my parents that working our way up to lap dance therapy was going to fix me right up.
When the song finished and Emily sat back down my Dad prompted my "Now Kyle what do you tell your sister?"
"Thank you Eri"
"Kyle" My dad cut me off, my name taking on a warning sound.
"Thank you Cinnamon Gina-Lynne" I said remembering to use her self esteem name
Toby sat across from me in the high chair that was supposed to be mine. Like the carseat and the bouncy swing that I was too big for, Mom hated the idea of having spent the money on those baby things and them not getting used. So Toby at two years and several growth spurts behind me got stuffed into the myriad baby things she had bought to punish me with. For some reason Toby seemed to blame me.
"Let get your bib on" Mom said to me as she tied it around Toby's neck.
After breakfast I was sent to the den to work on my school work, as I was having to take an English class for summer school. It was creative writing and I wasn't doing well at all, which if you have read this far, I'm sure you will agree with my teacher.
Every paper I turned in got poor marks, I tried to explain to the teacher that I was simply a product of my environment and considering that most of the people living on my block belonged to abandoned diaper stories, and those that weren't abandoned were generally not well received, that she should cut me some slack.
"Nonsense." She told me before telling me to go out and write the next great diaper story OR ELSE.
I know this one wasn't going to be any better than the last, but I used the mouse to wake up the computer and clicked login
I double clicked on the Word icon, and when the loading screen disappeared I started to type on the blank page.
Chapter teh One.
Hi my name is Kyle and I'm 11 years old and this my super true diaper story. I grew up normal like most kids I had a mom and a dad and a brother and a sister too! One day at school a horrible thing happened, I go to Spiro Agnew Middle school and I was in my math class
The animated paperclip appeared at the top of the screen with a speech bubble saying "It looks like you are trying to write a diaper story. Do you want help?"
Kyle Shay: An ABDL adventure
Historical FictionTrue to life adventure of an eleven year old boy who through no fault of his own ends up wetting his pants at school only to find himself in diapers. Thrill to a series of realistic situations that stem from the fateful event. Read several pages o...