Part 1

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The young vsco girl woke up from her nightmare. She accidentally dropped her hydroflask on the road, she woke up screaming, "AND I OOP- ". Her stepmother Geraldina, screamed from the bottom of her house "LOWER YOUR VOICE CINDERJESS!" The young girl shouted back "SKSKSKSKS NO, I MUST MAKE SURE MY HYDROFLASK IS OK!" Geraldina shook her head in disappointment. Cinderjess ran down the stairs screaming "AND I OOP-, AND I OOP- SKSKSKSKSKS !"

 She went down to see her five hydroflasks. Checking if each one was there, her white one, the pink one, blue one, and other white one was all there, however, her yellow hydroflask was nowhere to be found. She ran all over the house looking for her yellow hydroflask. She found it in her stepsisters' room and started flinging all her scrunchies into her stepsisters' faces. The two stepsisters, Plasty and Strawty woke up in a shock. "WHAT IS THIS MAD CHAOS!" one shouted back while the other one trying to whack Cinderjess with the yellow hydroflask. "AND I OOP-, that was an accident," Cinderjess said sarcastically. Cinderjess grabbed her hydroflask and ran away in fear. Cinderjess then counted all the stickers on the flask. One was missing! It was a sticker she got for free by hacking the vans warranty policy. Cinderjess stormed back into her stepsisters' room exclaiming her 'and I oop- 'situation. The sisters stared at her in despise. Cinderjess did a very thorough search through the bedroom, finding the sticker in the closet. 

She storms out of their room and walks into her room, greeted by her giant cardboard cut-out of Billy Eyelash. Cinderjess' popularity took a giant blow because the sticker could no longer stick back onto her hydroflask. "NOOO PEPPA," she screams but then she realises that she screamed way too loud. She suddenly hears footsteps walking up. Quickly, she hides the sticker with the rest of her friendship bracelets. "WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE BEHAVIOUR THAT I AM HEARING?!" Geraldina shouted, slamming down the Billy Eyelash cut-out. Seeing nothing but red, Cinderjess screamed back angrily at her step-mother, "SKSKSKSKSKS YOUR BRATTY 2 DAUGHTERS, PLASTY AND STRAWTY, HAVE STOLEN MY HYDROFLASK AND BROKE MY PEPPA STICKER ! ! !" Realising that her stepmother was 111% biased towards Plasty and Strawty, she apologised very sarcastically because she didn't want to get in deeper trouble, deeper than she already was.

Word count - 397 words

(A/N This is the first 'chapter' for this story. We've written the whole story but we'll publish more next week so stay tuned 😁)

Cinderjess - A VSCO Cinderella 🐋🐢Where stories live. Discover now