"Vrtra...." ryde says from a rubble covered hill.
The dark warlock turns, looking up from the desulet structure that was once a building, "I am her no longer" she hisses.
"Thats not true....i know shes in there Eribus...you could never truly rid her of her humanity" Ryder answers calmly jumping down to face her.
"Let her speak to me Eribus!" The hunter commands. His voice resonates itself in the warlocks heart...her eyes clear to a pale amber.
"Ryder..." she says her voice weak.
"V....hold on...ill find a way to fix this i swear" Ryders voice filled with emotion.
"You cant fix this...even if there was a way....i wouldn't be able to live with myself....i remember....i remember it all...the things iv done even before my resurrection ryder....i cant" Vrtra sobs.
"Please Vrtra....please dont leave me..." Ryder hangs his head.
"Ill never leave you ryder...i love you....so please" Vrtra walks closer taking Ace into Ryders hand...
"please..." she repeats holding his gun to her chest.
"No!" Ryder says steping back.
"Ryder! Im begging you! I cant hold on....i cant fight it...and the things i know..about the hidden and the vanguard...the darkness can never have that information..." Vrtras voice collapses in on itself...echoing and warping as she shouted..."kill me Ryder! Your the only one who can".
"Vrtra...please....dont make me" Ryder begs holding ace at one of his oldest friend.
"Its okay....you need to...." the exo stutters struggling for her sanity to say one last thing..."Ill see you star side....Ryder" with that all recognition faded from her eyes...the emotion in her face was gone....she was gone...like a taken thrall she screamed her voice warping once again, charging at the Hunter....
As a orange glow was cast across the wrecked building the unmistakable shot rang out through the city...
The warlock froze,the crevices of her body glowing red...
the light burning its way out from her chest...her body falling to ashs...that was quickly lifted up in a vortex by the coming wind...
in the air you could almost hear a thank you from her dieing breath....as the air fell silent Ikora and Zavalas ran to the top of the ridge...seeing the remains of the battle that was...
"No!" Ikora screams in sadness...a whale like a hive witchs making even Ryder flinch from a few feet away.
Zavala held Ikora stread with an iron grasp on her arms as she thrashed and kicked into a ball of tears...another of her greatest friend was gone...taken.
The crying filled the air and many other guardians came to see the aftermath...
"Ryder...." Tyrax says walking up next to him...she looks as the spinning ash in air and takes him into a hug...His heart was broken...all his friends...his clan...his...family had left him...he stood their...the actions that insude around his leaving him like a daze...the scream,the shot,the cry....where the only things he could hear and all he could see...was death.
Vrtra was gone...the darkness that plagued her with it. But the real fight was yet to come...

Destiny : Phoenix Rising (Original)
Science Fiction---------------------------‐-------------------- Like fire,we burn brighter in the darkness ‐------------------🔥🔥🔥--------------------- In the aftermath of the Red War, The last survivors members of a strike team go out on their own to become l...