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EL HAD INSISTED that Sam come with her to find her mama. Sam didn't have a problem with going with el, but when they got into a truck with a stranger, Sam let her knives be known. Pulling them out every once in a while, then staring at the men with a glare, daring him to challenge her. Every time, all he did was fidget  in his seat and then clear his throat.

It wasn't until Sam had fell asleep, that he could actually relax.

"Alright. I think this is it." The man announced, Sam opening her eyes. "Five-one-Five Larrabee, right?" He asked. "Yes." El answered softly, Sam lifting her head off el's shoulder. "Five-fifteen." El corrected. "Alright, 'Five-fifteen.' Sure." The man chuckled. Sam glanced at him with a confused glare, what was funny?

"Thank you." El thanked as she opened the door and jumped out. Sam hurried after her, letting out a quick 'thanks' as she did. "Hey," The man called, Causing the two girls to turn back. "You two apologize to your mama, yeah?" He told them, but Sam only sighed and looked down. "Must be scared half to death." He joked. "How longs it been?" He asked. "Long time." El answered shortly, closing the door.

The two girls watched as the big truck drove off. El looked at the mailbox that had the last name and address in it. They walked up to a house, and walked up the mini stairs. El sighed as she was met face-to-face with the door that belonged to her mama. El glanced at Sam who stood behind her slightly but was to her left, holding a steady gaze at the doorknob. El knocked on the door twice, waiting patiently for her mama or someone to answer.

Sam leaned on her side as el smacked her hand against the glass again. "Go away! I'm not interested!" A women's voice came from the inside. Sam rolled her eyes, then stepped next to el and repeatedly smacked her hand against the glass. The door opened, but was only cracked, it was obvious there was a chain on it.

A women with blonde hair appeared, but in her face because the rest of her was hidden behind the door. "Look, I don't want your guys thin mints, Alright, kid?" She quickly addressed. Sam and el looked at her in confusion, "Thin mints?" El asked. "Or your religious Mumbai jumbo. Whatever your selling, I ain't buying, okay?" The women shook her head.

Then the door slammed shut, causing the girls to take a step back. El focused her energy on the chain, it unlocking as Sam stood behind her wearing an blank expression. The door slowly opened, revealing the two girls. The women had turned around, fear across her face as she watched as blood dripped down el's nostril.

"I want to see mama." El demanded as the women stood in shock.


The women now known as Becky walked the girls to a room where a tv played. Sam peaked in, seeing terry sitting in a rocking chair. "Rainbow." She whispered. "Three to the right. Four to the left." She continued. "Mama?" El asked, stepping closer to terry. "Breathe. Sunflower." Terry went on. "Rainbow. Three to the right. Four to the left." Terry repeated, causing Sam to furrow her eyebrows.

"Mama, can you hear me?" El asked, getting closer. "Why's she repeating herself?" Sam asked Becky. The women sighed, not answering. "Four-fifty. Breathe." Terry continued. "Mama. It's me.." el tried to get through to her. "Jane. I'm here now." El's said, softly placing her hand on terry's. When terry looked at el, Sam felt her blood run cold as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

Terry repeated everything she had said before, but now staring at el. El turned back to the two ladies standing in the frame, "What's wrong with mama?" El asked, worry flashed across her face.


"I just need a little help understanding, sweetie, okay?" Becky addressed, but el was too focused on her mother. "Can you tell me where you two came from?" Becky asked, but el hadn't even blinked. "Or where you've been all this time?" Becky asked el.

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