|Chapter Nineteen|

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"Golly, you really don't have to Ken! I'm perfectly content with you living here! You're great companly and letting you do that, expecilly with your situation would make me feel like I was using you!"

"So use me. I don't mind, and you've done too much for me already. So let me do this one thing, please Buttercup, just this one thing." Kenny pleaed trying to give his first paycheck to Butters in comasation for the food and shelter he was being provided.

Butters wrinkeled his nose at Kenny, wondering why in the world he thought he'd have to be charged for staying at the Scotch's house. "Gee whiz, if you wanted to do something in return then take a bath because you need one." He said teasingly.

Kenny shrugged and went outside and started to scoop up snow in his arms. After a strange conversation about how snow if free and all you have to do is wait for it to melt and how the Scotch's did have hot water, Kenny desided it was best to take a bath with hot water instead of melted snow.

The converation stopped from there and Butters drew a hot bath and left it for Ken, and to be honest, it was an exciting moment for Kenny. He only had acsess to warm water at other people's houses and sometimes school so he often forgot that Butters's family did have such a luxury. 

"Holy fuck," Kenny gasped feeling the water and pronounced it, "Ho, ly, Fuck". The water coressed his skin, soothing his aching musciles. He didn't care that 'bubby baths' were for girls, it was as good as a free meal and better than sex. Who knew water, of all things, would help his... everything! 

He was in total bliss when he hurd his phone's noise signaling a notifaction. Kenny wiped his hand off with a towel Butters had left -no it did not want to get high-. 


|Dude! Kyle tells me you knew about-|

And that's about as far as Kenny read. It was always the same thing. Randy did some shit, Stan reacted to that shit, Kyle helped Stan do more shit because he's in bat-shit love, and dragged him into that same shit. 

Soon messages from "Kylie_B", "Athourity", and even "Im.A.Ass.Man" (Clyde) we're blowing up his phone. He wondered if it would be a good idea to drop his phone into the tub with him. Not in any normal sence would dropping your phone into water be a good idea, but Kenny hadn't been eletricuted in a long time and thought maybe something could happen.

He was just about to drop the electronic into the steamy water when he heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Ken, feller, I spilled my Apple Juice and I'm getting a towel to clean it up, so cover yourself." Butters opened the door without giving Kenny any chance of hiding the phone in his posetion. "Feller, w-what are you doing!?" Butters asked in shock.

"Uh... You know how people do dumb stuff for fun? Like the Tyde Pod challenge? Like that but with a phone." Kenny paryed to God Butters would beleive him. If any ounce of karma is up there, please please please~ make Butters just that guilable. "Why are you playing that game now?"

Thank God he believed it! "Because I can," Kenny said playfully, sticking his tounge out. "Now can ya get out of here, I'm still technicly naked and would like to finish my bath." He stated coolily. 

Butters blushed crimson before grabbing an unused towel and snatching Kenny's phone out of his hands and running out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. "God damn it," The immortal cursed. "He took my fucking phone!" Kenny pouted crossing his arms. He cursed about and at his friend knowing full well that Butters had defused the situation and stopped any thought of death from being thinkable.

What in the world was that kid doing to him? How was his presants so powerful, it made Kenny forget he was immortal and remember that long lost passion for life? Why was it so fucking unfair that the one person he was in love with had to be the one person who would never go out with him!?

Love...? Kenny thought of the word love. He really had said that, didn't he? It just slipped out. A moment of weakness, of vanurability. The fuck did he do!? 

Kenny screamed in frusturation into the water. Most people would be overjoyed when they knew he had fallen in love. Most people would have celibrated or at least been happy that they were given the one thing their parents talked about in every bedtime story. The feeling or your heartrate increcessing, and your breath shortening. Blood rushing every time you heard there voice. Kenny experenced all of these things with Butters.

And he hated it. He hated waking up every moring and having Butters greet him with breakfast because he was to nice to make some for just himself. He hated that stupid smile that seemed to light up the whole world with one million lights. He hated that adorable quirk of his, rubbing his knuckles together. He hated it, he hated it all! But he couldn't hate the person causing all of this. The person that made his day with every little touch, every brush of arms, every smile, every comment, every goodnight kiss! Butters would kiss his forehead or his cheek, but never the lips. 

It was always Kenny's favorite part about any day... The anger desolved into sadness as he climbed out of the bath, letting the water drain. He wrapped a towel around his waist and put on the spare pieces of clothing Butters had lent him. The sadness became loneliness and he sobbed slightly, slipping on his orange coat, the fabric sticking to his damp skin. He wipped his tears and pulled on the strings to his hood. That parka was his safe place.

He left the bathroom hearing the last of the water being sucked up with a gurgle. Kenny walked downstairs admiring how a picture frame hid the satanic symble. Butters was sitting on the couch watching the news. Creamy Goodness was talking about some sort of dragon that had eaten "Local homosexual: Craig Tucker" because he wouldn't let the dragon pet Stripe. That was a privlage only for himself, Tweek, and Tricia. 

"Hey Ken," Butters chirpped. "Sit down with me!" He beconed patting the spot next to him. Quitely, Kenny sat next to his own SBF and got so close they were practicly cuddling. Butters would of had a problem with it if it was anyone but Kenny, but it was Kenny. It was his best friend. His best friend who had a huge gay "crush" on him but his best friend none the less.

Kenny ended up paying more attention to the boy sitting next to him than the actual news being brodcasted. Luckily, the other didn't notice. "Ken...?" Butters asked turning to Kenny, who thought he had been caught and was starting to panic.


The new kid nuzzled his face into Kenny's jacket clinging onto it like a lifeline. "Don't ever play that game with the phone, okay feller? I don't want you to get hurt..." Kenny stroked Butters's hair gentily. Looks like eletruicution is off the list. "Okay. I won't."

"Swear? You have to swear!"

"I swear on every life I live I won't eletruracute myself," 'Again' he added to the last part. Butters cuddled into Kenny's side making both blush, Kenny's more red and noticeable (without the hood). He slowly set his arm around the boy, flintching every so often as if he would fall right through. As if such beauty was immposable to be held.

"God damn it..." Kenny thought harshly but his eyes were soft. 

"I love you."

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