Part 23

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"Remus slow down!" Deceit shouted for the hundredth time. "But I wanna get to the mermaids." Remus whines. "Yes. We get it. You're excited that the next ingredient is two mermaid scales." Wrath sighed clearly unhappy to be with Remus again. "We need to take a left here to the lake." Logan said.

-when they reach the lake. One day Sally finds out that Bob likes Ben-

The group reach the lake and look around. The lake was dark and you couldn't tell if it was deep or shallow. "Who's going in first?" Pride asked. "I nominate Remus." Wrath stated happily. "Ok. Jump into the dark and mysterious water." Remus smiled before jumping into the lake. Logan went to the edge and looked in. "How deep do you think it is?" Deceit asked him. "No idea but definitely more the 5 feet." Logan answered.

-10 minutes later. Sally starts to bully Bob saying Ben will never love him-

Everyone was still sat at the edge of the lake waiting for Remus to come back up. All of a sudden he jumps out of the lake soaking wet and smiling. "I found a mermaid." He said pointing at something that he brought up with him. The mermaid swam back under water and hisses at Remus. "We just need two scales." Pride mumbles and sticks his head into the water. A few seconds later pride gets pulled into the water. "Pride!" Envy shouted running over to where he was pulled in. A mermaid pops up out of the water and scares envy. The mermaid hisses again and swims away. "Guess we will have to go in." Logan sighed. "Unfortunately." Deceit said taking off his hat, gloves and cape before setting them next to the bag and Logan's tie. They all jump into the water and start to swim down to the bottom of the lake.

-at the bottom of the lake. Ben finds out about the bullying.-

The group looked around the bottom of the lake until they spot a light coming from a cave. They swim over and enter said cave. "Okay wow we can breathe in here." Wrath mumbles taking lots of deep breaths. "Pride! You here?!" Envy yelled but no response. They walked and walked through the dimly lit cave until they came upon a room filled with mermaids. Pride was sat in the corner of the room with a mermaid on each side of him. "Pride are you okay?" Envy asked as he ran over. "I'm fine but they won't let go." Pride answered. "Can I take a scale from each of them?" Remus whispered to deceit. Deceit nodded. Remus slowly approached one of the mermaids and took one of her scales. The mermaid hissed at him and left. Remus moved over to the other and took a scale from him as-well. He left the same way the other did. Logan took the scales off Remus and put them in his pocket. "Let's leave." Wrath grumbled. The others agreed and began the journey back up to the top.

-at the surface. Ben decides to put a stop to the bullying-

The group came out to the lake soaking wet and tired. They decided to build a fire and take a small break. "Have you ever wondered what it would be like to die. In a fire?" Remus asked. Everyone decided to ignore his usual talkings so Remus decided to annoy wrath. Which got him thrown into the lake again and again and again.

Another update because i want to start a new story but my girlfriend will probably kill me. Mainly because I have like twenty stories I haven't finished. Enjoy the next twenty-four hours of your life.
~Dolphin 🐬

Have you ever thought about snake porn?
Remus! Why?!
I don't know 🙃

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