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Bi-Bi-Bi is now online

Bi-Bi-Bi: Guyssssssssssssss

Bi-Bi-Bi: Guys get onlineeeeeee

2BeOrNot2Be is now online

2beOrNot2Be: Whaaaaaaat?

Bi-Bi-Bi: Can you get Brooke online too? I need to tell you guys something

2BeOrNot2Be: If it's your crush on Jake, we already know. Jenna told us.

Bi-Bi-Bi: No! Not that! It's with Jeremy.

2BeOrNot2Be: Oh.

2BeOrNot2Be: Brooooookkkkke. Rich has some gossssiiiiippppppp

Bi-Bi-Bi: It's not gossip

Bi-Bi-Bi: Ok yea it kinda is but still.

BrookieCookie is now online

BrookieCookie: I heard gossip.

Bi-Bi-Bi: I thought that was more Jenna and Chloe's thing?

BrookieCookie: Still I wanna know.

Bi-Bi-Bi: Ok so I ran into Jeremy a little while ago and I don't know what it is with this kid but he seems to never get any sleep.

2BeOrNot2Be: ??

Bi-Bi-Bi: He looked exhausted and told me that he was going back to Michael's to take a nap, but he was walking in the opposite direction of the apartment.

BrookieCookie: Did he get lost?

Bi-Bi-Bi: That's what I thought but when I pointed to Michael's place, he still went in the other direction.

2BeOrNot2Be: Huh. Weird. Do you think he was trying to go somewhere but didn't want people to know?

BrookieCookie: What if he was getting something for Michael and he wanted it to be a surprise?

BrookieCookie: Wait, they're dating right?

2BeOrNot2Be: ....no?

BrookieCookie: What?! I thought they were!

Bi-Bi-Bi: No, they're just really, really close.

Bi-Bi-Bi: But anyway, after a few minutes I saw Jeremy across the street and he was running to Michael's apartment and this girl with blue hair was running a few feet behind him.

2BeOrNot2Be: Oh god. Was he being chased?

BrookieCookie: Sounds like it.

Bi-Bi-Bi: Looked like it too. But at the same time, she didn't seem to be in a rush to catch him. He tripped one time and she slowed down.

Bi-Bi-Bi: I would've thought she was a friend of Jeremy's if it weren't for the for fact that Jeremy looked terrified when he saw her.

2BeOrNot2Be: He made it home right?

Bi-Bi-Bi: I think so.

2BeOrNot2Be: Hang on I'm gonna check with Michael.

2BeOrNot2Be: Plus, I wanna ask him something.


2BeOrNot2Be: Hey Michaellll

GaySlushieBoi is now online

GaySlushieBoi: Sup?

2BeOrNot2Be: Do you wanna come over this weekend? I figured it's been a while since we've all had our last "hangout at someone's house and just so happen to spend the night" things.

GaySlushieBoi: Sure but is it cool if Jeremy comes along too? He hasn't met the others yet.

2BeOrNot2Be: That would be great!

GaySlushieBoi: I'll ask him when he gets home.


2BeOrNot2Be: Michael said he isn't home yet.

BrookieCookie: Well I hope he gets home safe.

Bi-Bi-Bi: Have any of you seen that girl before? The one who was chasing Jeremy.

2BeOrNot2Be: No I've never seen her around here.

BrookieCookie: I've seen other people with blue hair at the diner, but I'm starting to think it's just one genderfluid person.

BrookieCookie: Although that doesn't explain the changing hair lengths.

2BeOrNot2Be: Wigs? Weird blue hair cult?

Bi-Bi-Bi: Well a blue hair cult wouldn't be the weirdest thing that ever happened here.

2BeOrNot2Be: True.

~3 hours later~

GaySlushieBoi: Rich.

GaySlushieBoi: I need your help.

GaySlushieBoi: NOW.

Bi-Bi-Bi is now online

Bi-Bi-Bi: What's wrong?

GaySlushieBoi: Jeremy just said "I love you"

Bi-Bi-Bi: ??

GaySlushieBoi: To me!

Bi-Bi-Bi: OH.

GaySlushieBoi: H E L P

Bi-Bi-Bi: Idk how to help you. Were you guys high?

GaySlushieBoi: I will neither confirm nor deny that

Bi-Bi-Bi: K so you guys were definitely stoned

Bi-Bi-Bi: He probably didn't mean it then

GaySlushieBoi: Idk he kinda panicked after he said it

Bi-Bi-Bi: Well if you two do get together, Brooke ships you guys

GaySlushieBoi: What?

Bi-Bi-Bi: Oh yeah. She thought you two were already dating.

Bi-Bi-Bi: Also Christine ships you guys a little too

GaySlushieBoi: Well then

GaySlushieBoi: I'm gonna go check on Jeremy, he ran off to the bathroom after he said "I love you" and all that.

GaySlushieBoi is now offline


Thanks for reading this chapter. School just started so the story might update slower. Also no that chapter title is actually the title, not a placeholder. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

~Space Boy

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