Chapter 19: College life

Start from the beginning

"I think we're all Gryffindor" I say looking at my friends for their inputs. Ruff

"Please I'm Hufflepuff, and Heather's low key Slytherin" Ruff laughs throwing an almond she found on the table after me.

"Hey!" I say throwing a pillow after her. It hits her right in face making me smile at my nice shot.

"Actually I identify as a Slytherin with a Ravenclaw moon" she says sitting neatly on the couch explaining herself. Heather has taken the potter more test more times than I could keep track off.

"Haha I'm Gryffindor as well my friend" he says pointing at me. I point back at him as we bond over being in the same Hogwarts house.

"Hey wanna hear some music?" He asks pointing to the stereo standing in the corner of his huge apartment.

"We have to get back to class so" Heather says not wanting to be late. He looks a bit disappointed but nods understandably.

"Well in that case here you go" He says handing me a little bag. I smile as I accepts the plastic bag. I open it to take a quick smell.

"Thank you" I say giving him some cash I had in my pocket. He counts them before giving me a nod. I put it in my bag before getting up throwing it on my shoulder.Heather pets the dog one last time before she parts with him.

"Chicas you have my number call me if you need more" He says seeming friendly enough.

"Thanks again" I say giving him a quick wave before exiting his apartment. Heather and Ruff steps out into the hall with me and we hear the door close behind us.

"Well girls we're ready for a fantastic, college Girls night" Ruff says excitedly dancing around the dark hallway. She does what I think is parkour on the walls.

"Okay we need to get to class" Heather says showing me her phone. She's right our last class starts in 10 minutes. Juan lives just a block away but we have to include how long it takes for Ruff to walk up the university stairs in our calculations.

"Okay let's go" I say dragging the girls with me down the stairs. We tumble down the stairs acting like silly high schoolers. If anyone was watching us they would think we're rolling. Little do they know we won't be until later this week.

We make it back to UCLA campus in one piece. Even though Ruff almost got hit by a car two times. The motto she thought me: why work hard on our future if we're not going to live it. Is definitely what she's living by.

"Ruffnut!" Someone yells my friend's name out loud. Even though, it's only her name being shouted we all three turn around to see who it is. There, 30 feet from us is a girl walking towards us while waving. It's Ruff's roommate, Ingrid. She's sweet, funny and doesn't mind when Tuff marches in to annoy Ruff. She is getting a major in marine biology and a minor in environmental systems which means we do not have any classes together.

"Hey girl my parents are coming tomorrow do you need any clothes washed?" She asks being the nice person she is. Ruff can take care of herself up to a certain point so it's a good thing we Ingrid.

"Yes please" Ruff cries out hugging Ingrid tightly "I have a pile under my bed". Well that information is disturbing. Now all I can think about is how long it's been under there.

"Disgusting" Heather says, reading my mind.

"Well I got to go see you tomorrow Ruff, Bye Astrid and Heather" Ingrid waves is goodbye with a sweet smile on lips.

"Bye" we all three say in unison with a high pitch tone as Ingrid walks away.

"Can she wash my clothes as well?" I nudge her in the side and gives her a smile. Ruff gives me a light push making me take a step back.

"Let's go to class" she says and starts to walk. Just not the right way. Heather and I look at each other before I grab the rim of Ruff's bag. In one swing I pull her back to me.

"It's this way" I say pointing towards the building behind us. She bites her teeth before shaking it off her.

"I knew that, let's go" she says finally going the right way. We take a shortcut over the fresh cut lawn. The weather is sunny without a cloud on the sky which makes a lot of student sit outside to study.

"Well here we part I'm going to class, see you later girls" Heather says and parts with Ruff and I. She walks towards the LAW building on the fair left. We give her a quick wave before we return to our path. We walk into the halls of what Ruff and I likes to call hell's staircase. Because I have class on the second highest floor and she has class on the third. Which means we're going to walk up 46 steps. Yes we counted.

"Well let's go" I say taking the first step. Ruff follows shortly after.

"One small step for a man but a big step for mankind" she says as we walk up. We're not the only one thinking there's stairs are a nightmare. Some people has tried to make the UCLA board of directors to invest in an elevator in this building. They're excuse is, the architecture of this building makes it impossible to get an elevator but I think it's because they like to watch students suffer.
We make it to Ruff's floor half dead. Some student behind us looks like they're about to pass out.

"Good luck with the last steps" Ruff says as she gives me a sympathetic clap on the back. I know she feels sorry for me, honestly, so do I.

I let out a sigh before continuing up. But I don't walk many steps before I hear Ruff's voice behind me.

"Hey did you find your wallet yet?" She asks. I've completely forgotten all about my wallet. With school, making new friends and hanging out with old friends made my worries about my wallet disappear. But now I feel them creeping up on me again.

"No" I say as I shake my head. Feel anxious talking about my missing wallet. Because missing wallet means missing rent.

"My offer is still on the table" her words warms my heart. I sincerely appreciate it but Ruff is too good of a friend for me to drag her down into my mess.

"Thanks Ruff, I appreciate it" I smile at her. It's always nice to know that what ever happens my friends has my back.

"See you tomorrow" I give her one last glance before I continue my walk up the many stairs I still have left. I finally make to my floor, happy that I don't have to walk up anymore stairs yet the reminder of my missing wallet hit me like a truck. I need to find it.

This chapter was inspired by a very special movie. If you know it leave a comment! I love seeing the girls in college, just them having fun with little responsibilities.
And I absolutely love Ruffnut and don't think she gets enough screen time so this chapter is for her.

Spoiler for next chapter:

"You are God herself! Thank you!"

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