"Have you heard anything from them" Ryder asks charging into courtyard.
"No...not yet...i cant even get a signal from their ghosts" Ikora sighs.
"What were they even doing?" Amanda says.
"V and Leo went looking for Yor..." ryder answers the mechanics question.
"What are the chances they found him" Zavala says sternly turning to Ikora as she keeps her search for the two guardians ghosts.
"We did" a voice says from the shadows of the stairway...their foot steps where heavy like they where struggling to carry something...as the guardian emerged from the darkness the others faces droped and paled...it was Vrtra and in her arms was limp grey body of Leonite. She slid the body out of her arms...it hitting the ground with a thud.
Ryder froze in shock...this was like cayde...to much like cayde.
"Vrtra...." Ikora steps to console her students.
"Don't!" Zavala demands putting his arm across her chest "thats not Vrtra"
"What do you mean thats not v!" Ryder snaps to know where his mind was racing.
"Look at her face Ryder...look at her eyes" Zavala says softly. Vrtras face had a shadow...a shadow across it...but nothing to cast it...the gashes on her cheek glowed with a hue of green...and her eyes; empty and lifeless and as dark as a crimson sky.
"Who....what are you?" Amanda says brandishing her tench as a weapon.
"I am the one you fear...the guardian Murderer..." Vrtra distorted voice seemed to echo in their heads "...i am the Queens choicen...the one you call Eribus" the last word made the guardians blood run cold.
"Your kidding..." Ryders voice a whisper, his heart fell from his chest as he looked upon the woman he loved...the monster the darkness had made her.
"You will burn like the ashes of your enemies" Eribus roars in victory as the left wing of the tower was developed in flames the walls falling on the district below.
The room rocked and tilted as the floor began to fall from under them...

Destiny : Phoenix Rising (Original)
Science Fiction---------------------------‐-------------------- Like fire,we burn brighter in the darkness ‐------------------🔥🔥🔥--------------------- In the aftermath of the Red War, The last survivors members of a strike team go out on their own to become l...