Chp 6: Sucky Punishments

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I went towards the kitchen to do my 'punishment'. It was more of a chore. And I was happy to help Frypan, a little help might make his job easier.

"Hey." I happily said to frypan.

"What're you so happy about?" He said with a grunt.

"Why shouldn't I be happy? I mean not everyday I get to help my favorite cook in the whole world right?"

"The ONLY cook you know, or that you remember. But if your happy about being in a four wall prison with a Griever infested Maze surrounding it than suit yourself."

"Hey! I'm trying to be positive here so help me out!" I said a little louder than I meant to.

"Okay, okay, whatever. Start washing the plates from breakfast." He pointed to a huge bin with about sixty plates behind him.

"What?! That's gonna take me the whole day!" I complained.

"Better not, we need those plates clean by lunch and then dinner." He started to walk away from me in satisfaction.

This was gonna be a long day.


"Where is your positiveness now?" He said over my shoulder.

Ugh! I can't believe this! I'm stuck here washing dishes all day! Could things get any worse.

My good mood didn't last long.


About four hours later I finally finished with everything that Frypan had told me to do.

Newt walked in to where I was.

"How is your punishment going?" He smiled but it was not a friendly smile.

"Great! Don't you see I'm having the time of my life!" I snapped at him.

He laughed.

"Well it is suppose to be a bloody punishment." He crossed his arms.

"But I can't take it anymore! I think I've done enough cleaning for the rest of life!" I walked up to him. My hair was all messy, sticking out at random places. My clothes stained with wet spots on them. I seriously couldn't take it. I just want to be a Runner.

"C'mon, Athy, it's just for one day. So shuck it."

"Can't you make me do something else? Other than cleaning?"

"Tomorrow you'll be spending the whole day in the slammer. You'll have plenty of time to relax." The slammer did sound better, but I don't know about spending the whole day there.

"Whatever I'm leaving. I don't want to clean another dish again." I threw my cleaning rag on the floor and tried to walk out.

"What do you mean by leaving?"

"I'm not leaving into the maze if that's what your thinking." I started walking but Frypan stopped me.

"You ain't leaving. You have to help serve lunch."

I groaned loudly. And walked back inside.

"That's the spirit." Newt said finally and left.


The rest of the day didn't get better. I cleaned and cleaned. I wasn't made for this job. The time I was suppose to stop seemed so far away. But finally it came.

"Okay your done." Frypan announced.

"Yes!" I dropped everything and got out of there. "I'm never coming back here."

I didn't know what to do after that so I just walked around. I found the tree I sat under, the first day I was here. And just stared into the sky. Somehow the sky seemed odd. It had almost nothing to it.

I looked down and started drawing on the dirt with a stick. Then I got bored.

I went to one of the doors. Keeping my distance so people won't tackle me if they thought I was running away. I sat on the ground just staring into the maze.

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