This isn't an update, I'm working on the next chapter, but this is EXTREMELY important, so please read.
Just a few minutes ago, I was reading a FanFiction that had similar themes to this one, (as in, self harming, and/or suicide) and the author put this picture in:
That's not what I'm upset about because it was for the story. I'm upset that at least 50 people commented "same" or "relatable".
I just want to say that if you feel like you actually can relate to that, please get help.
Starving yourself is never the answer
Hurting yourself is never the answer
Suicide is never the answer
There are people who care about you. Even if it feels like you have no one right now, don't give up, someone will come into your life and save you.
If you feel like everyone hates you, I can guarantee they don't.
If you are insecure about what you look like, you are awesome, just how you are.
If you feel like waste of space, your not! Please don't think like that.
If you feel like this please talk to someone. Heck you can even talk to me if you don't know anybody who will listen. Most of the things I wrote, I suffered from, and am still getting over, so I will understand, and try to help best I can.
If anyone ever ridicules you on anything along the lines of
Appearance (ie, hair, face)
Who you hang out with
What your hobbies
Your grades
Or whatever it is please don't listen to them. They are only trying to bring you down, telling you blatant lies. You. Are. Perfect.
if anyone ever physically hurts your or tries to, please tell someone. That is not okay. If you think you deserve it, you DONT.
If you want to end your life please call one of these numbers
Argentina: +5402234930430
Australia: 131114
Austria: 142
for children and young people, 147
Belgium: 106
Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05
Botswana: 3911270
Brazil: 188 for the CVV National Association
Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal)
18662773553 (outside Montreal)
Croatia: 014833888
Denmark: +4570201201
Egypt: 7621602
Estonia: 3726558088; in Russian 3726555688
Finland: 010 195 202
France: 0145394000
Germany: 08001810771
Holland: 09000767
Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000
Hungary: 116123
India: 8888817666
Ireland: +4408457909090
Italy: 800860022
Japan: +810352869090
Mexico: 5255102550
New Zealand: 0800543354
Norway: +4781533300
Philippines: 028969191
Poland: 5270000
Portugal: 21 854 07 40/8 . 96 898 21 50
Russia: 0078202577577
Spain: 914590050
South Africa: 0514445691
Sweden: 46317112400
Switzerland: 143
United Kingdom: 08457909090
USA: 18002738255Please just know I love you all, even though we've never really met. You matter. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Stay safe, and know that, if no one else, I'm here for you, so please don't give up
What happens Then? (Completed)
FanfictionWhat happens if the slime monster never escapes all might? What happens when Bakugo's bullying gets worse? What happens when Midoriya's mother dies? What happens when Midorya Tries to suicide but can't seem to die? What happens when Midorya joins t...